Red Bull Energy Drink Server Hacked, Domains of 09 Countries Defaced by Oxer-X

A famous Algerian hacker Over-X has hacked into the server of world renowned Red Bull energy drink, as a result company’s blog and domains of 15 domains have been defaced just 3 hours ago.

This is not all because other then Red Bull’s blog and 9 domain, the hacker has also defaced 6 domains belonging to company’s several contests and promotional campaigns. I will put their details in the end. 

As above mentioned image shows that Oxer-X left a deface page, a note along with his Facebook profile link. The note was expressed in following words: 

  • Hacked by HCN, RED BULL!

The targeted domains belong to Red Bull Bedroom Jam ( an online competition held under Red Bull’s supervision in 2010), domains of Red Bull Bedroom Jam competition from 9 different countries such as Austria, Australia, India, Netherlands, Greece, Belgium and Ireland, Red Bull UK blog, Red Bull Rookies Cup, another domain of Red Bull Netherlands, Red Bull Racking, Red Bull Fun Zone, Red Bull Phenom and Red Bull Creative domain.

Links of all targeted sites along with its mirrors are available here.

Oxer-X is the same hacker who hacked websites of  United Nations Development Programme and UN Volunteers PhilippinesMinistry of National Defense – Polish ArmyAVG South Africa and several other high profile websites.

However, this is not the first time when Red Bull had these domains hacked. In 2012 KriptekS hacker had hacked the same domains.

At the time of publishing this article, all websites were hacked and displaying deface page left by the hacker.
