
Russian election webcams attacked by DDoS attacks

Hackers have attacked a large network of  web cameras which were installed for monitoring voting in the country’s forthcoming presidential elections. These web cameras were installed by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to publicly monitor the votings.

According to Deputy Communications Minister Ilya Massukh “We are launching this site ahead of time in order to understand the nature of the threats. Total 54,000 cameras were installed by Russian telecom company Rostelecom along with 182,000 networks planned to monitor voting at approximately 91,000 polling stations across Russia. 

There was no government statement on the effectiveness of these DDoS attacks, how much cams were effected by this attack or is there any chance of disruption during the election.

Russian government has been under hacking attacks in past but this is the first time when web cameras were attacked by hackers to effect voting monitoring plan.

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