Snapchat Hacked, 4.6M Usernames and Phone Numbers Published Online

Emerging photo messaging application Snapchat has been hacked, as a result unknown hackers have leaked and published personal information including usernames and phone numbers of about 4 Million plus users online.

Hackers published the hacked data on a website SnapchatDB. The TechChurch reported that hackers at SnapchatDB accessed the data by exploiting a vulnerability which has been fixed now. The data was available for download few hours ago. However the website SnapchatDB has been suspended now.

According the SnapchatDB, the reason for publishing personal information of Snapchat users was to raise awareness and pressurize Snapchat admins to fix the vulnerability. The complete message is available below:

A look up shows that SnapchatDB website was created yesterday with contact details and admin address registered in Panama.

It is uncertain how many people have downloaded the data until now but according to hackers they have removed the last 2 digits from the usernames and phone numbers to avoid putting user privacy in trouble.

It has also been reported that a white-hat researcher at Gibson Security had already alerted Snapchat about the vulnerability and posted the exploit in public on Christmas eve.

Stay with us, we will keep you posted about Snapchat hack as more info come by.
