Someone hacked this highway sign & defaced it with “Hail Hitler” text

On Friday at 2:30 am Arizona highway sign was hacked as in illegally accessed by unknown culprits who defaced it with “Hail Hitler” text.

According to the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), the incident was witnessed by a driver who reported it to the police. Initially, they tried to turn off the hacked highway sign but failed to do so since the device used to operate the signboard was password protected therefore it required a password which they were unable to identify.

ABC15 reported that The Pinal County Roads Department was asked to physically cover and hide the sign until its operators from MBC (the company that owns the highway sign) are called to remove the Hail Hitler text.

PCSO’s representative Navideh Forghani confirmed the incident to KVOA-TV and said that “Unfortunately several drivers saw the message.”

This, however, is not the first time that a traffic sign has been hacked and defaced with controversial text. A couple of years ago, a road sign in Cobb County, Georgia was hacked with an anti-Police message including “F**k the police and ”No tears for dead cops.”

In another incident, a road sign on Chicago’s Grand Avenue and Central Avenue intersection was hacked and defaced with a message against Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel stating that “Rahm Lies, Children Die.”

Moreover, last year, a road sign in Houston was hacked by anti-Trump hacktivist who defaced its text with “Impeach Trump” message” while in another incident a traffic sign was hacked with another anti-Trump message stating that “I got one thing to say fu** Donald Trump bit** A** and fu** ya all for voting for that s***.”

There have been several other incidents in which road signs and billboards were either hacked to express political views or to play pornography videos. Here is a list of 24 funny, upsetting and shocking hacked traffic signs.

ArizonaCyber CrimeGermanyHackingInternet