“Stop Supporting ISIS”: Anonymous Kurdistan Hacks Turkish Govt. Websites

On Thu, 02 Jan 2014, a Kurdish hacker going with the handle of Anonymous Kurdistan & Muhmad Emad hacked two Turkish government websites belonging to the Afyonkarahisar Provincial Disaster and Emergency Management (Afyonkarahisar is a city in western Turkey, the capital of Afyon Province), asking the Turkish government to stop supporting the ISIS terrorist group.

The hacker left a deface page along with a message on both sites showing the Turkish Prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as a dictator. Hacker also used abusive language for anyone else supporting the ISIS group.

“ #OPTurkey Turkey Stop supporting ISIS.. Fuck isis & All Who Support Them Fuck Gov Turk, according to the message.

A screenshot was taken from the hacked websites:

Links of targeted websites along with their mirrors as a proof of hack are available below:



Turkish media said that the government of Turkey is trying to conceal any evidence that proves Turkish leaders’ support for the terrorist groups, particularly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

However, the Turkish government have officially denied all the blames saying that it is supporting terrorist activities or it is allowing the groups to pass through its territory to fight the Syrian government. 

At the time of publishing this article, both sites were down.

Anonymous KurdistanHackingISISKurdistanSecurity