
Thai Culture Ministry Website Hacked for Banning Political Soap Opera ‘Nua Mek 2’

The hackers from The Bad Piggies Team have hacked and defaced the official website of Thailand’s Culture Ministry ( morning.

The hackers left their deface page and a message on the hacker ministry website; displaying message in Thai language, demanding to bring back the banned political soap opera “Nua Mek 2” to the public, “Return Nua Mek 2 to Us” and “HACKED by THE BAD PIGGIES TEAM” showing intermittently with a cartoon avatar of a green pig head.

WPTV reports that Nua Mek 2 is a Thai political based soap opera, began Dec. 14 and was aired three nights a week, told the story of a fictitious Thai prime minister, his corrupt deputy, black magic and political manipulation. 

The opera made name in the top ten searches for the week of January 5-11 were the TV series on Google search for Thailand. 

After analyzing the reason for hacking site, it shows that hackers are all the way for freedom of expression rather then banning a soap opera. 

At the time of publishing this article, the deface page left by the hackers was removed but site was offline and showing error message.

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