Twitter: No We were not Hacked by UgNazi

The news is out there that trend setting social media website twitter was taken down by new emerging hacking group UgNazi. The group took responsibility for taking down the website and creating login problems for over a two-hour period.

However Twitter has denied all the hacking allegations,‘ we were not hacked, that the site is under our control. It was a coincidence. The backend of Twitter is having issues, which is unrelated to the very small attack.” Twitter executive Mazen Rawashdeh explained.

The site was attacked by hackers to point out twitter’s support for the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. Twitter’s administration has claimed that it was actually a ” bug ” that caused the service break down and created sign in problems for the users.

In a blog post by Twitter’s vice president, Rawashdeh said that ”One of the characteristics of such a bug is that it can have a significant impact on all users, worldwide, which was the case today”.

‘This wasn’t due to a hack or our new office or Euro 2012 or GIF avatars, as some have speculated today.We are currently conducting a comprehensive review to ensure we can avoid this chain of events in the future.’

Rawashdeh added: ‘It’s imperative that we remain available around the world and today we stumbled.’

UgNazi can be followed on Twitter




hacking newsTwittertwitter hackedUGNazi