United Nations Environment Programme database leaked by r00tw0rm

The hacking group rOOtw0rm hacked and leaked the database of  United Nations Environment Programme UNEP, which is the known for solving and discussing  environmental issues united nations system.

rOOtw0rm announced the leak via their twitter account United nations environment programme http://pastebin.com/pXXNv2rH@inj3ct0r @AntiSecOp @sanjar_satsura @Oblivi0u5 @AnonymousIRC @OpCensorThis_”

According to the leak, 5 databases, 100’s of tables including the admin logins and users data were leaked by the hackers. While the UNEP’s website is still down.

Leaked data can also be obtained from RapidShare

Two weeks ago, rOOtworm hackers hacked into NASA Database and had leaked confidential information.

NASA hackedpastebin.comr00tw0rm database hackedr00tw0rm hackersUNEF hacked