
Websites using Cryptocurrency Miners will be banned by CloudFlare

Pirate Bay got this the hard way when users on Reddit lately complained regarding the site’s use of such miners. The website eventually backed away from the practice, but not after giving a fair deal.

“As you may have seen we are testing a Monero javascript miner,” said the site’s administrators. “This is simply a test. We really want to get rid of all the ads. But we also want enough money to keep the site running.”

Similarly, Showtime was later busted for secretly installing the same miner in the crypto program on two of its domains: and The code immediately disappeared, and Showtime has yet to reveal how it got there. At no point did Showtime notify site visitors the tool was in use.

Now security and DDOS security outfit Cloudfare has added a new ridge to the story by banning several BitTorrent websites that have been employing such miners without implicating visitors. Web sites are being told they’ve employed in a “possible” terms of service violation for employing the software, which Cloudfare has labeled as malware.

“Multiple areas in your account were injecting Coinhive tapping code without notifying users and externally any option to disabling [sic] the mining,” Cloudfare lately told ProxyBunker, a website that provides alternative URLs for forbidden BitTorrent websites. “We consider this to be malware, and as such, the account was suspended, and all areas removed from CloudFlare.”

Cloudfare doesn’t appear to have prevented any non-piracy focused websites so far. And again, the dilemma isn’t websites using cryptocurrency workers to help shore up lagging ad revenue, it’s the fact that many websites don’t obviously see the need to inform consumers their browser.

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