New IBM system adds “robust” security to smartphone banking and shopping

Cybercriminals are already targeting mobile banking apps as a “way in” to customer accounts – as witnessed in ESET’s discovery of a new, advanced Trojan, Hesperbot. But a new IBM system may help secure smartphones – by using near-field communications chips (NFC) for an additional layer of security. It’s the first system to allow “two-factor”

Hesperbot – A New, Advanced Banking Trojan in the Wild

A new and effective banking trojan has been discovered targeting online banking users in Turkey, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the United Kingdom. It uses very credible-looking phishing-like campaigns, related to trustworthy organizations, to lure victims into running the malware.

Phishing Attack that Replaces Android Banking Apps With Malware

Mobile phones are now also being utilized for the purpose of managing some important personal assets such as money. According to a recent report that has been published by the Federal Reserve of US, around 48 percent of the smartphone users in the last 12 months have used the mobile banking platform for carrying out […]

Soneri Bank’s Online Banking System Website Hacked by PakBugs

The official website of Pakistan’s Soneri Bank has been hacked and defaced by hackers from PakBugs. The website was left with a deface page along with a message, making fun of the bank, its admins for poor security and coding.  On First Look I saw ” Security Seal of Norton Company ” But Soon After 5 minutes […]

Win32/Gataka: a banking Trojan ready to take off?

We have been following the development of the Win32/Gataka banking Trojan for several months and can now share some details of its operation which includes facilitating fraudulent bank transfers. This first post will highlight some of its key features, while the second will detail several interesting, more technical aspects of this malware. This banking Trojan

Android banking malware in the wild

Recently, we’ve noted a steep rise in Android malware and predicted the rise in banking malware, now we see another example in the wild, this time SpyEye. Trusteer has a good rundown on it, saying “It seems that SpyEye distributors are catching up with the mobile market as they (finally) target the Android mobile platform.

Banking Fraud? Tell me and tell me quick!

In the survey, banks that were notifying consumers as quickly as possible or immediately across multiple channels performed well [and] they also improved cardholder confidence. Notifications over multiple channels were also significant.