Cash – or crash? Tips and tricks for using Bitcoin safely

Despite the heists against Bitcoin sites, plus high-profile law-enforcement actions against ‘dark market’ sites such as Silk Road, which conducted transactions in Bitcoin, the currency is soaring. We asked ESET experts, and finance advisors, for tips on how to stay safe. Website Defaced, 150,000 Emails and Passwords for Sale

A group of hackers going with the handle of “The Hole Seekers” have hacked and defaced a famous Bitcoin discussion forum on Wednesday. Forum administrators were quick to restore the website before it was taking offline but it seems as if the damage has already been done as the group is selling 150,000 user emails […]

Hacker Steals $12,000 Worth Of Bitcoins in a DNS Attack

In a report published by TechChurch, unknown hackers have attacked a Bitcoin brokerage company Bitinstant, breaching into its server and taking control of its DNS- server and stealing $12,000 worth of Bitcoins.  Hackers used simple social social engineering techniques to take over company’s email servers and DNS domains. In the next step, the hackers log into another, VirWox (another Bitcoin […]

‘Anonymous’ – Now accepting bitcoin tips

Can’t find a way to support a hacktivist with your l337 sK1LLz? Turns out they take tips, bitcoin tips. We mused awhile back about the emergence of bitcoin as a favorite underground currency. Now, on the heels of the latest announcement by “Anonymous” that they’re releasing personal data belonging to a defense contractor VP with

#1 Bitcoin Exchange Data Breached

Mt. Gox, the most popular Bitcoin exchange, has had a database compromised and user information stolen, sparking rapid devaluation and temporary exchange freeze to halt the slide. According to a Mt. Gox breach notification e-mail sent to users on June 19th: “Our database has been compromised, including your email. We are working on a quick

Bitcoin: P2P underground cyber currency?

Bitcoins, a self-generated hash-based peer-to-peer currency with no centralized regulating body, are on a stratospheric trajectory, will it replace traditional legal tender as the currency of choice for cyber-nastiness? First, a little background. Bitcoins first surfaced in a white paper purportedly by Satoshi Nakamoto. While no one can trace his (her) exact identity, it seems