brut3k1t – Server Side Bruteforce Module

Brute-force (dictionary attack, jk) attack that supports multiple protocols and services Introduction brut3k1t is a server-side bruteforce module that supports dictionary attacks for several protocols. The current protocols that are complete and in support are: ssh ftp smtp XMPP instagram facebook There will be future implementations of different protocols and services (including Twitter, Facebook, […]

Use BruteXSS BruteForcer For Cross Site Scripting

BruteXSS is a very speedy go-site Scripting Brute forcing tool which can brute force parameters. It lets in you to inject several payloads from a wordlist to that particular parameters and then check the selected web page for XSS vulnerabilities. in line with the builders, “BruteXSS is noticeably correct at doing its mission and there’s […]

WiFi Bruteforcer – Android App to crack WiFi Passwords

WiFi Bruteforcer is an android application that bruteforces WiFi passwords using an android device. It does not require a rooted device and is very fast and reliable. The tool has been developed by Fsecurify. Usage: Turn on your wifi. Open the application and scan networks. Select any WEP/WPA2 network and a new screen will open. […]

How to Use Doona Bruteforce Exploit Detector Tool in Kali Linux

Doona is a forked version of the Bruteforce Exploit Detection tool or simply BED. The Bruteforce Exploit Detection tool is designed to check for the daemons for potential buffer overflows, format the string bugs etc. In Australian , Doona means duvet. Doona adds a lot of new features and changes to the BED. If you […]

F-Scrack – Bruteforce Tool With Mutli-Protocol Support

FTP MySQL MSSQ MongoDB Redis Telnet Elasticsearch PostgreSQL. Compatible Operating system: OSX Linux Windows Python 2.6+ How to run the command: python -h 192.168.1 [-p 21,80,3306] [-m 50] [-t 10] -h Supports ip(, ip range (192.168.1) (, ip list (ip.ini) , maximum 65535 ips per scan. -p Ports you want to scan, use comma […]

Fluxion – WPA/WPA2 Security Hacked Without Brute Force

Fluxion is a remake of linset by vk496 with less bugs and more features. It’s compatible with the latest release of Kali (Rolling). Latest builds (stable) and (beta) HERE . If you new, please start reading the wiki How it works: Step 1: Scan the networks.Step 2: Capture a handshake (can’t be used without a […]

How To Protect Your PC From A Brute-Force Attack

If someone is determined enough to guess your password using brute force then you need to lock down Windows . Here’s how to lock down Windows following several failed login attempts. Complex passwords can be a pain to remember and prone to mistyping, but shorter passwords can be much easier to guess by brute force. What […]


Last year we switched to using Slack for all our internal communication and it’s working out nicely. It’s very developer centric in that it offers integrations with lots of services like Travis CI, GitHub, etc. When we started using Slack one of our developers was sending a file, had his Developer console open and noticed […]

WordPress XML-RPC Service Used to Amplify Brute-Force Attacks

Hackers are hiding hundreds or thousands of username/password combinations in one single XML-RPC request. WordPress sites are being abused once again and there is no surprise since the platform is the most popular CMS on the Internet, and the attack surface is literally enormous when compared to other website-building solutions. This time around, Sucuri’s security researchers […]

Sentry – Prevents Brute Force Attacks Against SSH, FTP, SMTP and More

Supporting OS (operating system) FreeBSD Mac OS X Linux (CentOS, Debain, Ubuntu) Download Command: bash || sh export SENTRY_URL= curl -O $SENTRY_URL || wget $SENTRY_URL || fetch –no-verify-peer $SENTRY_URL perl –update Running –update will: create the sentry database (if needed) install the perl script (if needed) prompt you to edit /etc/hosts.allow (if needed) […]

Simple Brute Force Method

Brute Forcing is simply testing a list of passwords to a list of usernames and hopefully you will have matched a username and password combination that is correct. There are many disadvantages in using this method to hack, such as time (you need to test thousands if not millions of combination) and most websites now […]