Hacking TOR Hidden Services

Hacking TOR Hidden Services What is Tor ? Tor stands for The Onion Route it aims to conceal its users identities and their online activity from various surveillance and traffic analysis algorithms. Tor network uses an implement of .onion routing for sites and web applications hosted on the Tor hidden network. Tor encrypts and randomly […]

10 Android Developer Options Hidden Features For Advanced Users

Short Bytes: At some point, you would have owned an Android device, but have you ever managed to scratch the surface of its capabilities? Probably not, and that is where Android Developer options come into play. Here, I’m going to tell you about the 10 Android Developer options hidden features. By enabling or disabling them, you […]

Beware: Malicious Payload “Hworm” Dropped Through Embedded Youtube Video’s

A Malware called Hworm Performing multiple Attacks including steal passwords from Firefox, Opera, and Chrome browsers, ability to log keystrokes,  kill running process, capture a Screen by making use of the backdoor. This Malware initially identified June 2016 and keep observed by researchers and finally find it as it Emerged day by day. According to […]

Ransomware hidden inside a Word document that’s hidden inside a PDF

SophosLabs has discovered a new spam campaign where ransomware is downloaded and run by a macro hidden inside a Word document that is in turn nested within a PDF, like a Russian matryoshka doll. The ransomware in this case appears to be a variant of Locky. Most antivirus filters know how to recognize suspicious macros in documents, but […]

Create TOR’s Hidden .Onion URL Of Any Site With Free EOTK Tool

Short Bytes: Want to create Tor’s hidden .onion URL of a website? A free tool named Enterprise Onion Toolkit (EOTK) can help you out with this process by creating a man-in-the-middle proxy between the website and users. It should be noted that his tool only adds a .onion URL for anonymous users; it doesn’t hide your […]

Android Smart Lock: 8 Hidden Ways To Unlock Your Android Smartphone

Short Bytes: Google’s Smart Lock includes various methods to unlock an Android device. You can use voice recognition, facial recognition or a Bluetooth-connected device to gain access to your phone. Using smart lock, you can also keep your phone unlocked while it is in your hands or automatically unlock your phone when you reach a […]

Hidden backdoor discovered in Chinese IoT devices

Researchers at Trustwave have uncovered a backdoor in IoT devices from a Chinese manufacturer that could leave them open to exploitation. The backdoor is present in almost all devices produced by VoIP specialist DBLTek, and appears to have been purposely built in for use by the vendor. It uses a simple challenge and response mechanism […]

Steghide – Tool To Find Hidden Information And Password In A File

Steghide, is a tool that executes a brute force attack to file with hide information and password established.   Linux operating system Steghide Python     Step 1: Download and install Steghide from GitHub or enter the following command on your Linux terminal: git clone https://github.com/Va5c0/Steghide-Brute-Force-Tool.git   Step 2: Now run the script by typing: python steg_brute.py [option] […]

Steganography Is Very Popular with Exploit Kits All of a Sudden

Steganography, the technique of embedding hidden messages inside public files, has become very popular with exploit kit operators in 2016. Several security firms have detected multiple updates to exploit kits which recently started using steganography as the main component of their operations, or are employing steganography as a way to hide exploit and malware payloads […]

FBI operated 23 Tor-hidden child porn sites, deployed malware from them

Researcher: FBI was likely enabled to run half of all child porn sites on the servers. As Ars has reported, federal investigators temporarily seized a Tor-hidden site known as Playpen in 2015 and operated it for 13 days before shutting it down. The agency then used a “network investigative technique” (NIT) as a way to ensnare site users. […]

15 Hidden Features in Facebook Messenger You Might Not Know

Short Bytes: Messenger is a popular instant messaging platform. It supports text messaging, voice, and video calls. People can also send photos, emojis, stickers, voice messages, etc. in their conversations. But, there are some features in the Facebook Messenger which many people don’t know about. Facebook has promoted its Messenger as a separate platform in […]

Spade – Android APK Backdoor Embedder

Quick and handy APK backdoor embedder with metasploit android payloads. Requirements: metasploit Installation and execution: Then you can download smap by cloning the Git repository: git clone https://github.com/suraj-root/spade.git cd spade/ ./spade.py


The Signal encrypted messaging application on Tuesday added disappearing messages to its array of privacy features. Disappearing messages gives users the ability to designate how long conversations live on respective devices. And while developer Moxie Marlinspike said the feature won’t necessarily offer additional protection against adversaries conducting surveillance, it is a security enhancement that delivers […]

10 Signs That Show There’s A Hidden Coder Inside You

Short Bytes: What are the signs that you should look for before joining a coding class? Apart from the love for programming, there are some other points that could become a reason for learning programming. These reasons include the problem-solving skills, will to create something new and having a better control over one’s work and […]

Hands-on: Blue Hydra can expose the all-too-unhidden world of Bluetooth

Bluetooth Low Energy devices like smart watches, “wearables,” give you up all day. My new neighbor was using AirDrop to move some files from his phone to his iMac. I hadn’t introduced myself yet, but I already knew his name. Meanwhile, someone with a Pebble watch was walking past, and someone named “Johnny B” was idling […]

Locky now using Embedded RSA Key instead of contacting Command & Control Servers

According to security researcher Timothy Davies, a new version of the Locky Ransomware, aka Zepto, has been circulating since around the September 5th 2016 that includes an embedded RSA key. This key allows Locky to encrypt a victim’s computer without having to contact their Command & Control server. As many system administrators block Command & Control servers on their […]