Hackers Using Fake DDoS Protection Pages to Distribute Malware

WordPress sites are being hacked to display fraudulent Cloudflare DDoS protection pages that lead to the delivery of malware such as NetSupport RAT and Raccoon Stealer. “A recent surge in JavaScript injections targeting WordPress sites has resulted in fake DDoS prevent prompts which lead victims to download remote access trojan malware,” Sucuri’s Ben Martin said […]

LockBit falls victim to a large-scale DDoS attack after hacking into Entrust. LockBit accuses Entrust of being behind the cyberattack

Entrust is accused by LockBit of being behind the cyberattack. If such were the case, a genuine security firm would never retaliate by conducting a DDoS assault against criminals.Following a DDoS attack that knocked the LockBit ransomware gang offline for several days, the group has claimed that it will pursue more aggressive methods while aggressively […]

Taiwanese Websites Hit by DDoS Attacks Ahead of Nancy Pelosi’s Visit

Taiwan’s Presidential website and several websites run by the government of Taiwan were disrupted by distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks hours before United States Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to mainland China. According to NBC News Report, the attacks hit four websites, those of President Tsai Ing-wen, the National Defense Ministry, the Foreign Affairs Ministry, and the […]

Largest DDoS Attack Ever – 659.6 Million Packets Per Second

In the past few weeks, an organization in Eastern Europe has been the victim of the biggest DDoS attack that the continent has ever experienced. During the past month, several DDoS attacks have been launched against the target, a customer of Akamai, as part of an ongoing assault. Attackers are increasingly using DDoS attacks to […]

Russian Hackers Tricked Ukrainians with Fake “DoS Android Apps to Target Russia”

Russian threat actors capitalized on the ongoing conflict against Ukraine to distribute Android malware camouflaged as an app for pro-Ukrainian hacktivists to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against Russian sites. Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) attributed the malware to Turla, an advanced persistent threat also known as Krypton, Venomous Bear, Waterbug, and Uroburos, and linked […]

Mantis Botnet Behind the Largest HTTPS DDoS Attack Targeting Cloudflare Customers

The botnet behind the largest HTTPS distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack in June 2022 has been linked to a spate of attacks aimed at nearly 1,000 Cloudflare customers. Calling the powerful botnet Mantis, the web performance and security company attributed it to more than 3,000 HTTP DDoS attacks against its users. The most attacked industry verticals […]

Microsoft Details App Sandbox Escape Bug Impacting Apple iOS, iPadOS, macOS Devices

Microsoft on Wednesday shed light on a now patched security vulnerability affecting Apple’s operating systems that, if successfully exploited, could allow attackers to escalate device privileges and deploy malware. “An attacker could take advantage of this sandbox escape vulnerability to gain elevated privileges on the affected device or execute malicious commands like installing additional payloads,” […]

Chinese Hackers Using Greyware Tool To DoS Against Mobile Phones

The Chinese hacking group known as Tropic Trooper was attributed to a new campaign discovered by cybersecurity researchers at CheckPoint. In this case, a new variant of the Yahoyah trojan is being used along with a new loader called Nimbda. In addition, the trojan is embedded in a Greyware tool designed for DoS attacks against […]

On-Demand DDoS Protection vs. Always-on DDoS Protection: Which is Best?

Is a website slow because of a poor internet connection or is the traffic overwhelmed because of a cyberattack? In recent years, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) has become one of the most concerning attacks for businesses. Hackers can use DDoS to target either large organizations or individuals, which means that businesses of any size […]

Microsoft Warns Rise in XorDdos Malware Targeting Linux Devices

A Linux botnet malware known as XorDdos has witnessed a 254% surge in activity over the last six months, according to latest research from Microsoft. The trojan, so named for carrying out denial-of-service attacks on Linux systems and its use of XOR-based encryption for communications with its command-and-control (C2) server, is known to have been […]

Cloudflare Thwarts Record DDoS Attack Peaking at 15 Million Requests Per Second

Cloudflare on Wednesday disclosed that it acted to mitigate a 15.3 million request-per-second (RPS) distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. The web infrastructure and website security company called it one of the “largest HTTPS DDoS attacks on record.” “HTTPS DDoS attacks are more expensive in terms of required computational resources because of the higher cost of establishing […]

A New DDoS Botnet Attacks 100 DDoS Victims on a Daily Basis

A rapid spreading DDoS botnet has been found on the internet recently by CNCERT in collaboration with 360netlab security firm. Cybersecurity analysts have named this newly discovered malware “Fodcha.” It is estimated that over 100 persons are targeted every day in DDoS attacks by this newly discovered malware that preys on the following things across […]

New EnemyBot DDoS Botnet Borrows Exploit Code from Mirai and Gafgyt

A threat group that pursues crypto mining and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks has been linked to a new botnet called Enemybot, which has been discovered enslaving routers and Internet of Things (IoT) devices since last month. “This botnet is mainly derived from Gafgyt‘s source code but has been observed to borrow several modules from Mirai‘s […]

Finland government defense sector website shutdown after big DDoS attacks

A recent report notes that the ministries of foreign affairs and defense in Finland were disconnected after a denial of service (DoS) attack. Via Twitter, representatives from both agencies confirmed the incident, adding that the affected services have already been restored and security measures will be taken to prevent further incidents. “For the time being, […]

This new malware has a keylogger, ransomware and can perform DDoS attacks

Cybersecurity specialists report the detection of a new remote access Trojan (RAT) that, in addition to including the functions of this malware variant, also has spyware and ransomware capabilities. Borat RAT, dubbed after the character played by comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, is sold to all kinds of threat actors through hacking forums on the dark […]

Beastmode DDoS Botnet Exploiting New TOTOLINK Bugs to Enslave More Routers

A variant of the Mirai botnet called Beastmode has been observed adopting newly disclosed vulnerabilities in TOTOLINK routers between February and March 2022 to infect unpatched devices and expand its reach potentially. “The Beastmode (aka B3astmode) Mirai-based DDoS campaign has aggressively updated its arsenal of exploits,” Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs Research team said. “Five new exploits […]

Two vulnerabilities in Epic Games Launcher allow DoS attacks

Two vulnerabilities have been confirmed to be detected in Epic Games Launcher, the online library and account management tool for PC gaming. According to the report, the successful exploitation of these flaws would allow the deployment of multiple hacking tactics. Below are brief descriptions of the reported flaws, in addition to their scores assigned under […]

Critical vulnerability in OpenSSL library would allow DoS attacks on millions of applications

OpenSSL announced the release of an update to address a severe vulnerability in the library whose exploitation would lead to an infinite loop function and an eventual denial of service (DoS) condition. Although DoS attacks are not the most dangerous hacking variant, they can cause significant business disruption, long-term financial repercussions, and a severe loss […]