20 years in prison for sending malware emails and infecting computers

According to ethical hacking specialists, two Romanian citizens have been sentenced to 20 years in prison for infecting more than 400,000 computer computers with a variant of malware to extract financial information, an incident that led to a million-dollar fraud. Bogdan Nicolescu (35 years old) and Radu Miclaus (37 years old), were convicted by a […]

AntiDisposmail – Detecting Disposable Email Addresses

Antbot.pw provides a free, open API endpoint for checking a domain or email address against a frequently-updated list of disposable domains. CORS is enabled for all originating domains, so you can call the API directly from your client-side code.GET https://antibot.pw/api/disposable?email=radenvodka@0815.su HTTP/1.1The response will be JSON with one boolean property, e.g. {“disposable”:false}Using jQuery? <script> $( “#email” […]

5 Robust Cybersecurity Practices for Your Email Marketing Campaigns

If you’re an online business owner that runs email marketing campaigns, you should know that  phishing campaigns still prevail to trick your customers into divulging private information. For instance, hackers lured users with a fake Avengers: Endgame download scam to divulge their credit card details. They also promoted false Ray-ban discounts to steal peoples’ money. […]

This Outlook bug lets hackers access your emails just like Hillary Clinton

According to web application security specialists, a recently patched vulnerability in Microsoft login system could have been exploited to trick some users into granting hackers full access to their online accounts. Thanks to the presence of this vulnerability, threat actors were able to inadvertently extract access tokens, so they could access victims’ accounts without having […]

5 Best Welcome Email Examples That seals Trust With Your Subscribers

The importance of welcome emails is undeniably a vibe that keeps getting stronger each minute. According to a survey by Epsilon’s Email Institute and Multichannel Merchant, welcome emails carry the highest opening (60 percent) rate above any other emails sent out to your subscribers. They are, as most would agree, short and to the point and […]

Fake Windows Updater Bypass Email Gateways To Launch Cyborg Ransomware On Windows PC

New malspam email campaign discovered with fake windows updater and its Builder, through which hackers launching Cyborg Ransomware to encrypt the compromised systems files. A spam email claims to be from Microsoft and email body urges the victims to Install the Latest “Microsoft Windows Update” by opening the attached file. Fake update attachment appears with […]

AMP for Email: why so secure and how to get whitelisted?

If you’re reading this post, you are probably more or less familiar with brand new AMP for Emails technology developed by Google. It turned out that new horizons are opened wide for the commercial email channel. Therefore email marketers don’t have to retrain into plumbers or waiters. However, new skills and knowledge are obviously required […]

Gmail is the most secure email service. What about the most insecure? It’s AOL. Full list of email services most exposed to hackers

Unfortunately, data breaches are very common incidents today, with email addresses being one of the most exposed data in these cases. In this regard, information security experts, in collaboration with the firm Who Is Hosting This, conducted a study to find the most secure email services, as well as those most exposed to hackers. One […]

Phorpiex Botnet Sending Out Millions of Sextortion Emails Using Hacked Computers

A decade-old botnet malware that currently controls over 450,000 computers worldwide has recently shifted its operations from infecting machines with ransomware or crypto miners to abusing them for sending out sextortion emails to millions of innocent people. Extortion by email is growing significantly, with a large number of users recently complaining about receiving sextortion emails […]

6 ways to Send Anonymous Emails and hide your identity

Anonymous email in which third party servers are used to send email. Mostly these anonymous email servers are used to hide actual sender’s address. There are many servers available online for sending mails. Some are paid & free. We will looking at freely available anonymous email servers. According to ethical hacking researcher of International Institute […]

Twitter is selling users’ phone numbers and email addresses for advertisement

Privacy scandals involving large social media companies are becoming more frequent nowadays. This time, web application security specialists report that the phone numbers used for multi-factor authentication and email addresses linked to the Twitter users accounts were “inadvertently” used for advertising purposes. The alleged error was revealed on the company’s official blog. In their post […]

Outlook for Web Bans 38 More File Extensions in Email Attachments

Malware or computer virus can infect your computer in several different ways, but one of the most common methods of its delivery is through malicious file attachments over emails that execute the malware when you open them. Therefore, to protect its users from malicious scripts and executable, Microsoft is planning to blacklist 38 additional file […]

Hackers Hiding Malware behind Captcha to Bypass Secure Email Gateways

Hackers using Captcha to hide the presence of malware and to evade email security gateways. By using this technique attackers show that email is sent human and evades detection. Attackers use various social engineering methods to trick the users to believe the emails is from a legitimate source, here the email’s are from a compromised […]