The Guy who Developed World’s First Email Encryption Software is Broke!

The person who developed the free email encryption software Gnu Privacy Guard in 1997, which was used by famous NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and so many other journalists, security officials and dissidents worldwide, is going broke. Yes you read it right! He needs money to keep this amazing project alive. The software was developed by […]

Cracking the encryption key on the pirate bay?

Cracking the encryption key on the pirate bay… has anyone managed it yet?.. Cracking the encryption key on the pirate bay AES hint implies AES is involved somehow. String is just Base64. Decodes 48 bytes, which is 384 bits. AES has a block size of 128 bits, which could mean three AES blocks. Could also […]

Cops are hating New Apple and Google Smartphones due to their encryption.

The police dislike Apple and Google’s latest smartphones because of their high-end encryption, according to a senior FBI official. “Encryption threatens to lead all of us to a very dark place. Justice may be denied because of a locked phone or an encrypted hard drive,” said James Comey, FBI Director, in a speech last month. […]

Why FBI is so concerned about Apple and Google’s smartphone encryption plans?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is not happy with Apple and Google for including encryption on their smartphone products, the agency’s director said Thursday. During a meeting with reporters at the HQ, the FBI Director James Comey said he believes that a quick access to a smartphone will let law enforcement save lives in some kidnapping and terrorism cases. […]

‘Honey Encryption’ foils hackers with false positive data

The key to beating hackers might not just lie in stronger security measures and ‘unbreakable’ passwords. Now, it seems like an element of trickery is required – almost beating hackers at their own game. Two independent security researchers have developed a system which they call ‘Honey Encryption’, which promises to make it harder for hackers