WikiLeaks Julian Assange asks Hackers to Unite Forces Against NSA Surveillance

While addressing a large number of  hackers and computer experts at Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange urged hackers from all over the world to join forces against National Security Agency (NSA)‘s PRISM surveillance program. Democracy Now reports that address also highlighted the difficulties faced by whistleblowers and how they can be tackled […]

Snowden on NSA Leaks: I have already won, I am not disloyal to USA

The NSA’s whistle blower Edward Snowden has said that ‘’he has already won, he has achieved what he dreamed of ’’ especially when journalists around the world got keen to expose what NSA has been doing since 2001. In an interview to the Washington post, ex – NSA tech Snowden said that it is satisfying […]

Iranian Hacker Hacks Israeli Job Portal, Leaks 3349 Login Accounts of Israeli Users

An Iranian hacker going with the handle of Dr.3v1l from Black_Devils B0ys hacking group has breached to an Israeli based job search portal, as a result login account information of over 3349 Israeli citizens have been leaked and dumped online. Dr.3v1l contacted me on Twitter regarding his latest hack with a Pastebin link that shows login accounts of […]

Snowden Leaks: Top-secret document shows NSA shares Personal Details of U.S citizens with Israel

The National Security Agency (NSA) shares first hand intelligence with Israel without omitting personal details of U.S citizens, shows top-secret document handing over by Edward Snowden to The Guardian Newspaper. Document shows that US government handed over intercepted communications likely to contain phone calls and emails of American citizens. The details are shared under an […]

Snowden Leaks: NSA Hacked Al-Jazeera, French Foreign Ministry and Russian Airline

The documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden have reveled that National Security Agency hacked into the encrypted email system of Qatar based Al-Jazeera TV, the French Foreign Ministry and Russian airline Aeroflot’s ticket reservation system. In a latest report published by German newspaper Der Spiegel it was reveled that National Security Agency (NSA) successfully hacked […]

WIKILEAKS RELEASE Syria: 84,067 sensitive emails from US intelligence contractor Stratfor

WikiLeaks has released 84,067 highly sensitive email conversations between agents of US intelligence contractor Stratfor.  The release was announced by WikiLeaks on its official website according to which total 84,067 emails have been leaked out of which 1,181 are sensitive emails and 149 emails are very sensitive. All emails are available on the Wikileaks site and can be read by clicking here. […]

Anonymous hacks, leaks emails and passwords of US Congress

Anonymous hackers have claimed to breached the official website of US congress and its mail server ( and, as a result around 1800 email addresses along with their passwords have been leaked online. Hackers claim that emails and passwords belong to US Congress and their staff which have been compromised to make it clear on congress […]

LulzSecPeru defaces, leaks data of Peru’s government portals for using NSA’s backed hosting service

LulzSecPeru known as one of the most skilled online hackavists are back, this time by the hackers have hacked and defaced the government of Peru’s Citizen Service Portal for using hosting services of Global Crossing’s server (now known as Level 3 Communications) that allegedly provides personal information of site’s users to American’s National Security Agency (NSA). Along […]

#OpTurkey: Anonymous Hacks Fox Entertainment Turkey & Vodasoft, Leaks account details online

Just an hour ago a well known Anonymous hacker going with the handle of @AnonsTurkey on Twitter has hacked into the official websites of Fox Entertainment Turkey ( and a Turkish based call center VodaSoft ( @AnonsTurkey who is very active these days for #OpTurkey, managed to breach the servers of  both websites, ending up with leaking confidential  information such as thousands of […]

#OpGabon: Anonymous Leaks Credentials of Companies for Supporting Gabon Government

Online hackavists group Anonymous have breached website of a Gabonese based logistic company Courtage Gabon Logistique ( for supporting the alleged killings of Gabonese youth. Online hackavists group Anonymous had started #OpGabon last month against the alleged killings of children, men and women in Gabon by Ali Bongo Ondimba, a Gabonese politician who has been President of Gabon since October 2009. As […]

#OpIsrael: Anonymous Hacks Israeli portal Walla, leaks 583,000 Emails & Passwords

An Anonymous hacker going with the handle of AnonSabre late last week leaked more then 583,000 credentials (email addresses and passwords) from the Israeli Web portal Walla. Israel’s one of the top most popular site, providing users with email services, news and searches.  TNW reports that the hack was done for #OpIsrael in which hacker leaked the data on […]

#OpLastResort: Anonymous Hacks Government Site, Leaks 4,000 Bank Executives Credentials

The online hackavist group Anonymous have claimed to hack the official website of Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center and appear to post login credentials of 4000 bank executives for #OpLastResort, demanding reforms in country’s cyber crime law. The hacked was announced by the hackers on their official Twitter account, leaked data contains details of bank executives such as names, ranks, […]