Getting Started With Linux: Part III (Command Line)

Today, we are bringing to you our third article in the “Getting Started With Linux” series. The part III deals with the command line in Linux. Once you’ve installed Linux, you can start doing your work right away. (To learn how to install Linux, read part 1 and part 2 of this getting started with […]

Kali Linux 2.0 is Released, Download ISO and Torrent Files Here

Short Bytes: Kali Linux 2.0 has been released with tons of new features and it’s now based on Debian Jessie. It comes with improved hardware and driver support along with support for more Desktop Environment. Download the Linux Kali 2.0 ISOs and Torrents now.  At the recent Black Hat and DEF CON conferences, Kali Linux […]

How to Convert a USB Charger Into a Linux Computer

Short Bytes: This DIY from Chris Robinson of NODE will show you how to make your own Linux computer from a USB charger. This uses Raspberry Pi compatible ODROID board and runs on Raspbian OS. In this article, I’m going to tell you about how to make a little Linux computer from a USB charger. […]

Canonical Tells How to Choose the Best Laptop to Install Linux

Short Bytes: Canonical has released a list of Ubuntu desktop certified hardware to tell you the best laptop to install Linux. Even if you aren’t running Ubuntu, this database tells you the most friendly laptops from OEMs like HP, Dell, Lenovo and more. The old-school PCs came with flawless Linux support and all you had to […]

Hackers Can Hack Smart Sniper Rifles Running on Linux And Change Its Target

Images: Wired Short Bytes : Security researchers have found a way to hack the Tracking Point sniper rifles. These “smart” snipers run on Linux and has WiFi connectivity. Exploiting the vulnerabilities in software via WiFi, a hacker can prevent the gun from firing and can change its target. You’ve got a computer, a wireless connection, and […]

Linux Based Solus OS Now Boots in Flat 1.2 Seconds

Short Bytes : The developer team behind Linux-based Solus distro has achieved a remarkable feat as they brought down the boot time of the Solus operating system to 1.2 seconds. Solus is approaching its stable release and the team has now started showing off its OS’s new features. After months of aggressive marketing and promotions, […]

$9 Computer CHIP Reveals Its Open Source Details, Runs on Linux Kernel

If you are interested in the latest technologies and advancements in computing, you must have read about the $9 computer CHIP. This miniature powerhouse machine is being pegged as the Raspberry Pi killer. CHIP has almost same functions and power of a basic computer. It has 1GHz R8 ARM processor power, 512MB DDR3 RAM, and 4GB […]

Microsoft Now Providing Support for Linux Users in Azure

Microsoft Azure cloud platform is very popular among Linux users and now Microsoft has announced that it will be offering limited support to selected Linux distros and open source platforms. If you are finding it too had to believe, the exact words from Microsoft are: “limited support for major Linux distributions, third party and open […]

NSA Open Sources its Linux-based Cyber Security Tool

The American security Agency NSA is infamous for its mass surveillance programs. Every alternate day, we are greeted with new revelations regarding its policies and tools being used to track people. Recently, it was announced that NSA will be continuing its phone spying program for another six months. Putting aside the numerous allegations, NSA has open […]

How to Install VirtualBox 5.0 In Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, RHEL, CentOS and Fedora

Virtual Machines are software that are used to run other operating systems within a pre-installed operating system. This self-contained OS runs as a separate computer that has no relation to the host OS. VirtualBox is an open source cross-platform software that can help you to run multiple guest operating systems on a single computer. Recently, the […]

Kali Linux 2.0 Release Day Scheduled: Kali Sana Coming, Powerful Than Ever

Ever since its debut in the year 2013, Kali Linux users were waiting for a new and revamped version of the hack-friendly OS. Now Kali Linux developers have heard their prayers and announced the next version- Kali Sana. Update: It’s released Kali Linux 2.0 is Released, Download ISO and Torrent Files Here This popular hacking […]

Microsoft Joins the Linux Foundation’s R Consortium Along With Others

Today the Linux Foundation announced a new initiative called R Consortium-  a group to unite the users of the open-source R programming language. Microsoft announced that it is joining it along with Google and more as a founding member. Apart from Microsoft and Google, the other founding members are Oracle, HP, Tibcom, RStudio and Alteryx […]

Review of Kali Linux – The Successor of backtrack

Kali Linux is a penetration testing and security auditing Linux distribution. After its release in March 2013, Kali Linux has quickly become the new favorite among PenTesters worldwide as their choice for the PenTesting OS. Replacing its predecessor Backtrack, Kali incorporated several new features and looks quite promising.It is available for i386 and amd64 architectures […]

Linux…. Where did it come from?

Linux was originally developed as a free operating system for personal computers based on the Intel x86 architecture, but has since been ported to more computer hardware platforms than any other operating system. Thanks to its dominance on smartphones, Android, which is built on top of the Linux kernel, has the largest installed base of […]

Getting Started with Linux: Part II (Installation and more)

Read the Part 1 and Part 3 of Getting Started with Linux : Choosing the desired Linux distribution and Command Line After downloading a desired Linux distribution, you can try it out using these methods:  Install Linux virtually – If you already have a machine running Windows, Mac or another Linux distro, and you don’t want to remove or […]

Getting Started With Linux : Part-1 (Choosing a Distribution)

There are hundreds of Linux distributions to choose from. Each of them has their merits. Some of them have their separate package managers, desktop managers, repositories; some of them are derived from others, so they share some behaviorism. It is not possible to compare each other as each Linux distribution is modified according to needs. […]

How to Auto Mount Partitions On Boot in Linux Easily

Unlike Windows, Linux does not mounts file systems automatically on computer startup. You have to mount each partition manually after boot. This can be annoying if some applications have to access contents from some unmounted partitions on startup, like a media player. If your music library resides on any unmounted partition, each time you open […]

Microsoft Launches .NET Core Preview For Linux and Mac Users

Source: TechCrunch From Last November, Microsoft was teasing its developers by saying that some of the key features for Microsoft .NET platform can show-up on Linux or Mac. Today, at its Build developer Conference in San Francisco, Microsoft officially announced that its first full preview of the Microsoft .NET Core run-time is coming for Linux […]

Microsoft Releases Free Visual Studio Code for Windows, Mac and Linux

Microsoft released a new development tool – Visual Studio Code – that works Windows, Linux, and Mac. This is being seen as a move by Microsoft to expand its horizon outside the Windows operating system world and a continuation to its last year’s move to make its .NET development platform open-source. This application is in […]