Renaming Office Files Is Enough to Disguise Macro Malware

Macros have been used since the mid 1990s to spread malware and infect systems. Increased user awareness of the need to disable the macro function within Microsoft Word during the late 90s and early 2000s sent these malware into decline. However, a change in Microsoft (MS) Office file formats dating from 2007 is now being […]

Malware Used in DNC Hack Has Roots in Chinese Open-Source Tool

X-Tunnel is roughly based on XTunnel PortMap. One of the malware variants used to infiltrate and hack the Democratic National Committee (DNC) back in April 2016 is based on a piece of open source networking utility developed by a Chinese company in the early 2000s. The malware, codenamed X-Tunnel, is part of the arsenal used […]

Scammers Using Genuine PayPal Emails to Spread Banking Malware

Another day another PayPal scam — This time, it’s highly sophisticated and comes from a genuine PayPal email address! PayPal like other financial institutions is a favorite target of scammers, crooks and cyber criminals. Recently there has been an increase in PayPal related phishing scams but now researchers have also identified criminal elements using PayPal’s legitimate emails to spread […]

‘No More Ransom’ helps you recover data after a malware attack

A new website set up by Europol, Intel and Kaspersky to help resist the threat of ransomware could allow you to recover encrypted data for free. The site is designed to stop people paying ransoms to malware creators as this makes the problem worse. Ransomware is a major threat. A series of major campaigns have […]

Security firm clarifies power-station ‘SCADA’ malware claim

It’s not the next Stuxnet, says SentinelOne, it’s just very naughty code. Malware hyped as aimed at the hear of power plants is nothing of the sort according to security outfit Damballa, which has put its name to analysis claiming the “SFG” malware is run-of-the-mill code without sufficient smarts to target SCADA systems. The so-called […]

Eleanor Mac malware connects your webcam to the dark web

The malware dubbed Backdoor.MAC.Eleanor is embedded surreptitiously in the fake app EasyDoc and allows to control your webcam from the dark web Following the first ever instance of mac ransomware, recently reported by Palo Alto Networks. A second piece of malware has been discovered in the wild. The malicious software dubbed Backdoor.MAC.Eleanor or OSX/Eleanor-A comes […]

China Hacked Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Via Backdoor Malware

The US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was hacked between 2010 to 2013 and the usual suspect is China! The House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology has published a report according to which China used a backdoor malware to hack the computer system at Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation between 2010 to 2013. In total 12 computers and […]

Russians and Malware Involved in $2 Million ATM Heist in Taiwan

ATM transactions suspended in Taiwan for two days. Taiwan’s top eight banks have suspended operations on 900 ATMs after crooks stole NT$70 million ($2.18 million) from 20 branches across two cities over the weekend. The heists took place on Saturday and Sunday, July 9 and 10, 2016, and targeted the branches of Taiwan’s First Bank and […]

Nation-backed malware that infected energy firm is 1 of 2016’s sneakiest

Tool only drops malware after painstakingly dismantling AV and other defenses. A campaign that targeted a European energy company wielded malware that’s so sneaky and advanced it almost certainly is the work of a wealthy nation, researchers said Tuesday. The malware contains about 280 kilobytes of densely packed code that, like a ninja warrior, cleverly and […]

Posing as ransomware, Windows malware just deletes victim’s files

Tagged as “Ranscam”, Powershell and script-based malware is a botched smash-and-grab. There has been a lot of ingenuity poured into creating crypto-ransomware, the money-making malware that has become the scourge of hospitals, businesses, and home users over the past year. But none of that ingenuity applies to Ranscam, a new ransom malware reported by Cisco’s Talos […]

Malware’s Constant Evolution Requires Advanced Protections

Malware developers are fast learners. They adapt to new security measures in record time and find new ways to evade detection or at least stay hidden long enough to complete their malicious goals. In this blog we review some of the cutting-edge techniques attackers use to bypass defenses and the techniques we use to protect […]

Pokemon Go Is A “Malware” And “Hackers’ Dream”, Security Experts Say

Short Bytes: Nintendo’s insanely popular augmented reality mobile game Pokemon Go is a massive security risk. Surprisingly, this app has complete access to your Google account and it can make any kind of changes to the same. So, in these risky times of frequent data breaches, playing Pokemon Go isn’t worth the risk. For the […]

Code of destruction – malware analysis

We should always think twice before running an unknown program downloaded from the Internet. Of course not every application is dangerous, but it’s all too easy to find a malicious program which will exploit our naivety – and that could cost us dearly. Let’s see how we can analyse the behaviour of an unknown program […]

Watch Out for Keydnap Malware Stealing Mac Login Credentials

The latest malware targets Mac users to steal their user credentials — Watch out and don’t fall for it! A new Mac malware has been discovered by researchers that steal login credentials from OS-encrypted keychain allowing attackers to take over the device by maintaining a permanent backdoor. Discovered by ESET, the malware is known OSX/Keydnap which comes […]

New OSX/Keydnap malware is hungry for credentials

ESET analyzes multiple samples targeting OS X every day. Those samples are usually potentially unwanted applications that inject advertisements into browser displays while the victim is browsing the web. For the last few weeks, we have been investigating an interesting case where the purpose of the malware is to steal the content of the keychain and […]

New Malware Uses Tor to Open Backdoor on Mac OS X Systems

Macs targeted with new Backdoor.MAC.Eleanor trojan.Security researchers from Bitdefender have discovered a new malware family that opens a backdoor via the Tor network on Mac OS X systems. The malware’s technical name is Backdoor.MAC.Eleanor, and currently, its creators are distributing it to victims as EasyDoc Converter, a Mac app that allows users to convert files […]

Chinese Advertiser Behind YiSpecter iOS Malware and HummingBad Android Malware

Yingmob supposedly controls over 85 million Android devices. A Chinese advertising company is responsible for two of the biggest waves of malware for both the Android and iOS ecosystems, a recent Check Point report reveals. Yingmob, an advertising company based in Chongqing, China, is supposedly the group behind the YiSpecter iOS malware and the HummingBad Android […]


In April 2016, while investigating a Smishing campaign dubbed RuMMS that involved the targeting of Android users in Russia, we also noticed three similar Smishing campaigns reportedly spreading inDenmark (February 2016), in Italy (February 2016), and in both Denmark and Italy (April 2016). Unlike the RuMMS campaign, these three campaigns in Europe used view overlay […]