Isip – Interactive Sip Toolkit For Packet Manipulations, Sniffing, Man In The Middle Attacks, Fuzzing, Simulating Of Dos Attacks

Interactive sip toolkit for packet manipulations, sniffing, man in the middle attacks, fuzzing, simulating of dos attacks. Video Setup git clone cd isip pip install -r requirements.txt Usage Packet manipulation tools are in packet cmd loop. First start, you are in the main cmd loop. isip:main> packet isip:packet> Create a new sip packet with […]

Morpheus –TCP/UDP Manipulation Framework

Morpheus is an open source framework that can launch multiple attacks on the network using applications, such as ettercap, msgsnarf, tcpkill, and urlsnarf. The tool’s main objective is to manipulate the tcp/udp data using these backend applications. Some major tasks that can be performed using the Morepheus framework include https credentials stealing, web browsers traffic […]

Polymorph – Real-time Network Packet Manipulation Framework

Polymoprh is a framework written in the Python3 programming language that allows the modification of network packets in real time, providing maximum control to the user over the contents of the packet. This framework is intended to provide an effective solution for real-time modification of network packets that implement practically any existing protocol, including private […]

Fuddly – Fuzzing and Data Manipulation Framework

Among the variety of complementary approaches used in the security evaluation of a target (e.g., software, an embedded equipment, etc.), fuzz testing—abbreviated fuzzing—is widely recognized as an effective means to help discovering security weaknesses in a target. Fuzzing is a software testing approach, which consists in finding design or implementation flaws by stepping outside the expectations the target may […]

Chiron – An IPv6 Security Assessment Framework with Advanced IPv6 Extension Headers Manipulation Capabilities

Chiron is an IPv6 Security Assessment Framework, written in Python and employing Scapy. It is comprised of the following modules: • IPv6 Scanner • IPv6 Local Link • IPv4-to-IPv6 Proxy • IPv6 Attack Module • IPv6 Proxy All the above modules are supported by a common library that allows the creation of completely arbitrary IPv6 header chains, fragmented or not. […]

PcapPlusPlus – Packet Manipulation Framework

PcapPlusPlus is a multiplatform C++ network sniffing and packet parsing and manipulation framework. PcapPlusPlus is meant to be lightweight, efficient and easy to use.   What makes PcapPlusPlus different from similar C++ wrappers for libpcap/WinPcap? Designed to be lightweight and efficient Support for DPDK fast packet processing engine which enables packet capturing and transmition in line rate […]

Stock Manipulation Botnets Gain Ground

The attacks from cybercriminals are now occurring in the online stock and equity trading world. Instead of simply emptying out compromised brokerage accounts, cybercriminals apparently are refining their attacks and striking at broader and more lofty goals: the trust mechanisms of business equity valuations with publicly traded stocks and equities. George Hulme, InformationWeek contributing writer