How To Get Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Operating System For Free

Short Bytes: To own a copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), you need to purchase a license. However, if you are a developer, Red Hat has introduced a program that’ll let you own a copy free-of-cost. Read more and know how to get a free license of RHEL. If you wish to get involved […]

Bitcoin Startup Quits Operation Due to Never-Ending DDoS Attacks

Bitcoin’s Secure Wallet Service Coinkite Inc. Closing Down due to never-ending DDoS Attacks and Governmental Nagging Bitcoin exchanges around the world face cyber attacks every now and then, some owners give up while some fight back. In the case of Bitcoin startup Coinkite Inc., it is now officially announced that its secure wallet service, which […]

Operator of Online Payment Company Indicted for Stealing From Customers

Crook stole $22 million via online payments company. Gareth David Long, 37, a British man living in Las Vegas, USA, was indicted by a Nevada grand jury on 39 charges of wire fraud, money laundering, and aggravated identity theft. Long’s criminal activity started in 2008 when he founded V Internet Corp LLC, a third-party payments processing […]

SONiC — Microsoft’s Debian Linux-based Operating System For Networking

Short Bytes: Microsoft has released a Debian Linux-based OS for network switches and routers. The software is called SONiC — Software for Open Networking in the Cloud. This fully open source toolkit will alllow you to take control of the networking hardware and overcome the limitations of network devices. Microsoft is moving fast and fiery on […]

Operation Transparent Tribe targets Indian diplomats and military

ProofPoint uncovered a new cyber espionage campaign dubbed Operation Transparent Tribe targeting Indian diplomatic and military entities. A new cyber espionage campaign dubbed Operation Transparent Tribe is targeting diplomats and military personnel in India. The researchers at Proofpoint who have uncovered the hacking campaign confirmed that threat actors used a number of hacking techniques to hit the […]

Subgraph OS: Secure, Free, Open Source Linux Operating System For Non-technical Users

Short Bytes: To answer your security related concerns, Subgraph OS is here as a free, secure, open source Linux operating system for the non-technical users. This security-focused distro comes with complete TOR integration, full-disk encryption, OpenPGP mail integration, system hardening and other features. Know more about the OS and make your system secure. In the recent […]

Most Americans Want Apple to Cooperate with the FBI- Claims Pew Survey

The survey shows Americans are actually supporting FBI on the iPhone encryption issue. We all know about the heated debate going on between Apple and the FBI regarding weakening of security measures on the iPhone of alleged terrorists involved in the San Bernardino attack so that the agency could access data. We also know that […]

Zephyr Project — Linux Foundation Announces Open Source Operating System For IoT

Short Bytes: IoT (Internet of Things) is going to get a major boost in the coming years. 48 hours ago, the Linux Foundation announced the Zephyr Project which will be a small scalable real-time operating system. This operating system will be targeted at resource-constrained systems. Being an open source project, Linux Foundation’s Zephyr will drive […]

TorMail hack, FBI surgical operation, or dragnet surveillance?

In 2013 the FBI agents seized TorMail, now new information are emerging on the operations. Someone believes it was a surgical ops others accuse Feds of dragnet surveillance. In 2013 the FBI agents seized TorMail, at the time the most popular dark web email services. The US law enforcement agency seized the TorMail database during in concomitants of the […]

Debian Linux In A Single Image: Understanding The Universal Operating System

Short Bytes: In this article, we bring to you a useful Linux infographic that tells you about Debian Linux and its different areas. The infographic lists the different Debian releases and various stages in the development process.  Debian has a very rich history as it holds an importance place in the evolution of Linux-based operating systems. […]

11 Ongoing Anonymous Operations You Must Know About

Anonymous is known for conducting cyber attacks against injustice but not every operation makes it to the news — There are several ongoing ops which the readers should know about. There are some campaigns which Anonymous collective has been running and are hardly ever noticed by anyone. Most of the readers only know the famous […]

Anonymous Starts Operation Black October To Target Banking Sector

It’s time to Pull your Money Out of the Banks- Suggests the Online Hacktivist Group — Anonymous Takes Hacktivism to Another Level. The online hacktivist group Anonymous known for targeting government servers has now shifted its focus on the financial and banking sectors. Using its conventional approach, the group announced the launching of its latest campaign […]

Cisco shuts down million-dollar ransomware operation

Group used Angler Exploit kit to push ransomware on unsuspecting Internet users. Security researchers have disrupted an online criminal operation they estimated drew $30 million per year pushing ransomware on unsuspecting people browsing the Internet. The takedown was performed by investigators from Cisco Systems’ Talos security unit, which was researching the Angler Exploit kit. The hack-by-numbers […]

MS Word Vulnerability Exploited in Operation Pony Express to Spread Malware

Operation Pony Express was a spear-phishing campaign that was detected by Sophos researchers between April and May 2015. The research team identified that the malware was spread through a common MS Word vulnerability Now, Sophos, a cyber-security firm revealed that an inherent vulnerability in the MS Word Intruder kit was being distributed actively at $140 […]

Top British Ministers Hacked by ISIS in Sophisticated Espionage Operation

Crucial information held by some of the most senior ministers of David Cameron (including Home Secretary Theresa May) has possibly landed in the hands of extremists- claims Intelligence agency GCHQ It was identified in an investigative report from the GCHQ that the so-called Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL) group have collaborated to steal sensitive information held by David Cameron’s […]

OperationChina: Anonymous Hacks Chinese Police, Govt. Websites

Anonymous hacked several Chinese government websites including the Hunan (a province in China) Police Academy website in solidarity with pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. The hacker behind this hack goes with the handle of @AnonymousGlobo on Twitter, who has been involved in several cyber attacks on different websites in past. AnonymousGlobo left a deface page along with a message […]