50 Free Hacking Ebooks Collection PDF 2019 – HackingVision

50 Free Hacking Ebooks Collection PDF 2019 Ethical Hacking, Hacking ebooks pdf, Hacking ebooks free download, hacking ebooks collection, Best Hacking eBooks. List curated by Hackingvision.com The topics include: Android & iOS Cloud Security Defensive Security IoT Malware Analysis & Forensics Network Pentesting Offensive Security Programming Languages Reverse Engineering SysAdmin Virus Botnet and Malware Wireless Network […]

Malware-as-a-service – Adwind Malware Attack Utilities Industry Via Weaponized PDF File

Researchers discovered a new wave of a phishing campaign that bypassing the Microsoft APT protection and delivery the Adwind malware via weaponized PDF file to attack utilities Industry network. Adwind, a.k.a Unrecom, Sockrat, JSocket, and jRat is a cross-platform RAT that distributed via malware-as-a-service in underground markets where users can purchase and utilize to target […]

10 Best Free PDF Editors Online Reviewed For 2019

Achieving a productivity boost shouldn’t be a hassle for anyone in 2019, therefore I have created a list of the best free PDF editors to help you guys. Ever since it was launched in 1993, the PDF file format has been a boon to productivity. To answer the question, what is the PDF? Well, it […]

Hackers Distributing Malware Via Weaponized PDF & MS Word Version of New Zealand Terror Suspect’s Manifesto

Cyber Criminals launching a new malware via weaponized PDF & MS Word Version of New Zealand terror suspect’s manifesto. Researchers noticed 8chan, an imageboard website composed of user-created boards contains several posts that link to a manifesto, allegedly authored by the terror suspect of New Zealand terror attack. These Manifesto contain several version of PDF […]

Kali Linux CTF Blueprints PDF eBook  Cameron Buchanan

Kali Linux CTF Blueprints PDF eBook  Cameron Buchanan   Download Kali Linux CTF Blueprints PDF eBook   Cameron Buchanan (Author) About This Book   Put the skills of the experts to the test with these tough and customable pen-testing projects   Develop each challenge to suit your specific training, testing, or client engagement needs   […]

A new malware using Google App Engine to create malicious PDF files

Cobalt Strike malicious hackers group is abusing Google App Engine to distribute malware embedded in PDF documents Network security and ethical hacking specialists from the International Institute of Cyber Security reported the emergence of a complex campaign of malware attacks in which hackers exploit Google App Engine, a cloud computing platform, to deploy malware using […]

Hackers Using Google Cloud Computing Platform To Deliver Targeted Malware Attacks via Weaponized PDF

Threat actors using Google computing platform (GCP) to deliver the malware through malicious PDF files. The attack targeting governments and financial firms worldwide. According to Netskope Threat Research Labs detected the targeted based on its 42 customers instances and likely the attacks to be launched by the infamous hacking group Cobalt Strike. Last year Cybercriminals […]

Hackers Now Launching Powerful Weaponized PDF Exploit using Steganography Technique

Cyber Criminals now using new Stenography technique to distribute a powerful Obfuscated PDF exploit in order to compromise the targets and evade the detection. Malicious hackers are always finding new techniques to exploit the vulnerabilities and compromising victims machine without more user interaction to increase the success ratio of the attack. Steganography is the technique […]

Hackers abusing Google App Engine to spread PDF malware

The Cobalt Strike advanced persistent threat (APT) group is using Google App Engine to spread PDF malware against financial firms. The IT security researchers at Netskope have discovered a sophisticated malware campaign in which cybercriminals are abusing Google App Engine (GCP), a web framework and cloud computing platform to deliver malware via PDF decoys. According to researchers, the malware campaign is currently […]

10 Best PDF Reader Apps For iPhone & iPad | View And Edit PDFs In 2019

Portable Document Format or PDF is one of the most widely used file formats today. A majority of ebooks online exist in the PDF format, and businesses also prefer their documents in this file format. The reason why PDF format has excelled as compared to other file formats is the fact that it is compatible […]

The Little Black Book of Computer Virus PDF

The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses by Mark Ludwig The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses has seen five good years in print. In those five years it has opened a door to seriously ask the question whether it is better to make technical information about computer virus known or not. Download The Little […]

Gray Hat Python PDF eBook

Gray Hat Python PDF eBook Gray Hat Python PDF eBook Download Python is fast becoming the programming language of choice for hackers, reverse engineers, and software testers because it’s easy to write quickly, and it has the low-level support and libraries that make hackers happy. But until now, there has been no real manual on […]

Begin Ethical Hacking with Python eBook PDF

Begin Ethical Hacking with Python Disclaimer The contributor(s) cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the data. This repository is just a collection of URLs to download eBooks for free. Download the eBooks at your own risks. DMCA takedown cannot be possible as we are not republishing the books/infringement of code, but we are […]

Advanced Penetration Testing Hacking 2017 eBook PDF

Advanced Penetration Testing Hacking 2017 Disclaimer The contributor(s) cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the data. This repository is just a collection of URLs to download eBooks for free. Download the eBooks at your own risks. DMCA takedown cannot be possible as we are not republishing the books/infringement of code, but we are […]

8 Best Online PDF To Word Converters You Can Use in 2018

Portable Document Format or PDF is one of the most popular file formats in offices and the corporate world mainly because of its unified formatting across platforms, compatibility, and small size. However, when it comes to editing, PDFs have certain limitations. As compared to ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ formats, PDFs offer a little scope for editing. […]

Beware!! Hackers Now Spreading Dangerous FlawedAmmyy Malware Through PDF & IQY File

Cyber criminals now using IQY Files as a new technique for spreading dangerous FlawedAmmyy malware which is a dangerous backdoor tool that provides remote access to the attacker. Attacker nowadays using new sophisticated techniques to compromise the targets by evading the security software and keep increasing the compromise success ratio. Recently attackers using Weaponized Microsoft Publisher […]

Foxit PDF Reader fixes serious remote code execution vulnerability

Users of the PDF reader Foxit must upgrade their software to Reader 9.3 and Foxit PhantomPDF 9.3 to correct over 100 flaws Foxit Software has released update patches to correct more than 100 vulnerabilities in its popular PDF reader Foxit PDF. Many of the errors that the company addresses include a wide range of remote code execution […]