LNK-Kisser – PowerShell Link Payload Generator

Making FUD Shortcut (.lnk) payloads with LNK-KISSER to remote execute malicious code.   Shortcut-Payload-Generator Exploiting Powershell to make ShortCut Payloads [fud]. There is too much of awsome tricks there , u can make it better ^_^. For Ex : Killing tcpview , taskmanager ..etc while downloading. Set hidden attribs to the malware after downloading….etc G00d […]

Terminator – Metasploit Payload Generator

Terminator Metasploit Payload Generator. Payload List : Binaries Payloads 1) Android 2) Windows 3) Linux 4) Mac OS Scripting Payloads 1) Python 2) Perl 3) Bash Web Payloads 1) ASP 2) JSP 3) War Encrypters 1) APK Encrypter 2) Python Encrypter The author does not hold any responsibility for the bad use of this tool, […]

ysoserial.net – Deserialization payload generator for a variety of .NET formatters

A proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that exploit unsafe .NET object deserialization. Description ysoserial.net is a collection of utilities and property-oriented programming “gadget chains” discovered in common .NET libraries that can, under the right conditions, exploit .NET applications performing unsafe deserialization of objects. The main driver program takes a user-specified command and wraps it in […]

HERCULES – Special payload generator that can bypass anti-virus software

HERCULES is a customizable payload generator that can bypass anti-virus software. HackingVision installation tips: HERCULES is programmed in Go if your using Go for the first time you will need to set a GOPATH you can do this by using the following commands. export GOPATH=$HOME/go export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin You can add default GOPATH to ~/.bashrc to […]