Beware !! LinkedIn User Credentials Stealing via Sophisticated Phishing Attack

Nowadays Linkedin is suffering by many Social Engineering attack that is used to harvesting the user Credentials and Linkedin is widely used Professional Network which is always Big Fish For hackers to Target and Stealing the users account and other information. A New Phishing Attack Targeting Linkedin users that spreading via Compromised Linkedin Accounts to […]

LinkedIn Phishing Scam Steals Gmail Credentials Through Google Docs

LinkedIn, a business and employment-oriented social networking website contain personal information of more than 500 million users from around the world making it a jackpot for cybercriminals and those looking for identity theft. Also, since LinkedIn’s data breach of 117 million users and then its sale on the dark web has helped malicious elements compromise websites […]

Phishing Scam: Hackers Steal $11 Million from Canadian University

A couple of weeks ago on August 23rd in Edmonton, Alberta; Canada based MacEwan University revealed that their staff fell for a phishing scam resulting in a wire transfer of whopping $11.4 million. According to the official statement on August 31st, 2017, unknown hackers sent “a series of fraudulent emails and convinced staff to change the electronic banking information for one […]

Gophish – Open-Source Phishing Toolkit

Gophish: Open-Source Phishing Toolkit Gophish is an open-source phishing toolkit designed for businesses and penetration testers. It provides the ability to quickly and easily setup and execute phishing engagements and security awareness training. Current Status Update 2/19/2017 Gophish version 0.2.1 binaries will be released soon! I am just fixing a few final bugs and then […]

7 More Chrome Extensions Hacked via Phishing Scam

Google Chrome Extensions on the Radar of Cybercriminals of late- Security Experts identify seven more extensions to be compromised. Last month we reported that a Google Chrome extension Copyfish had been infected because the developer opened a phishing email using his Google account credentials. At that time we assumed it to be a mistake on […]

King Phisher – Phishing Campaign Toolkit

Phishing Campaign Toolkit Installation For instructions on how to install, please see the file. After installing, for instructions on how to get started please see the wiki. Overview King Phisher is a tool for testing and promoting user awareness by simulating real world phishing attacks. It features an easy to use, yet very flexible […]

How To Hack Facebook ID Using Phishing Attack 2019

In my previous post, I explain the easy method to hack facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. So you need to read my previous post because this was read the article, and now many of my friends ask me for email that “How to hack Facebook id using phishing attack” because it is the most powerful trick […]

Beware: New Bank of America Phishing Scam Stealing Card Data

Exclusive: The Bank of America is the 2nd largest bank in the United States by assets which makes it a lucrative target for cyber criminals. Today, HackRead has identified a phishing scam targeting the Bank of America customers. Cyber criminals are sending emails to unsuspecting users pretending to be representatives of the Bank of America. […]

Brilliant Phishing Attack Targeting Critical Infrastructure and Manufacturing Industries

Nowadays attackers targeting users more innovatively through Emails and many other ways. This malware attack particularly targeting power sectors including Nuclear power stations. Attackers used Malicious Word documents in this attack with a different behavior this time. This attack was identified by Talos intelligence. There is no malicious code with attachment itself instead of it download file […]

Collection of Extra Phishing Scenarios for Wifiphisher

Collection of Extra Phishing Scenarios for Wifiphisher Wifiphisher is a security tool that mounts automated victim-customized phishing attacks against WiFi clients in order to obtain credentials or infect the victims with malwares. It is primarily a social engineering attack that unlike other methods it does not include any brute forcing. It is an easy way […]

URL Padding: Facebook Mobile Users Hit by Phishing Scam

We have read stories regarding how email is heavily used for phishing scams by sending out fake emails that eventually lead the user into clicking a malicious link. We have grown so used to the fact that now, we seem to think email is the primary way to attack for spammers. However, here you will see […]

Beware: Innovative Phishing Threat Targeting Facebook Mobile Users

In the past, we came through a number of Phishing campaigns where the attackers using Valid TLD itself for phishing and the Punycode attack demonstrated by Xudong Zheng. Now hackers find a new way innovative method to create believable URL’s and targeting mobile users, specifically Facebook users.Security experts from Phishlabs came through this new campaign targeting mobile […]

Phishing Scams: 5 Excellent Tips That Will Protect You

Phishing scams are growing in popularity and they are a common cause of identity theft. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are when it comes to the internet, it’s easy to click on a link without knowing if you can trust the source or not. The only way you can truly prevent a phishing scam […]

Google: Its Tech Now Blocks 99.9% of Gmail Phishing and Spam Emails

After the effects of the phishing campaign that used Google Docs as a tool to attack, Google has launched a number of upgrades to Gmail and its browser so that users can be notified and warned of suspicious emails and websites that may contain malware. The new machine-learning model According to Andy Wen, who is […]

Google using machine learning to block 99.9% of Malware and Phishing Mails

Google published a blog post introducing machine learning to detect phishing Emails, click-time warnings for malicious links, and unintended external reply warnings. Machine learning has helped Gmail accomplish over 99% accuracy in spam recognition, and with this new security improvements.Google continuously focussing on Security improvements for Gmail users Google continuously focussing on Security improvements for […]

Considerable Increase In Phishing Websites Using HTTPS Layer

The variety of HTTPS phishing websites has multiplied for the reason that January. considering browsers have started out alerting users after they get right of entry to pages that don’t use HTTPS. The certificates authorities have issued thousands of SSL certificates for domains actually intended to be used in phishing and rip-off. Scammers or Phishers […]

Creating WordPress Admin Phishing Pages

Hi welcome back today I will show you how to create WordPress phishing pages. Phishing is the practice of sending emails or fake pages in order to trick targets into unknowingly giving personal information such as passwords and credit and debit card numbers. Phishing attacks are a Social Engineering method that relies solely on human […]

how to protect yourself against phishing threats?

Phishing is the attempt to get sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Attackers get this information by sending you links to sites that look like sites you trust like your online banking website or […]

Google Docs Phishing Scam Cost Minnesota State Thousands of Dollars

Last Wednesday the Internet was full of news reports regarding a new sophisticated phishing scam using Google Docs to trick users into giving away their login credentials by opening a fake Google document. The scam highlighted the importance of how people should be careful while clicking on an unknown link. The good news is that Google was […]