Switcher – Android Malware Seize Routers’s DNS Settings

Switcher – Android Malware Seize Routers’s DNS Settings: A new Android Trojan was identified by malware researchers at Kaspersky Lab’s. This trojan is bit special instead of attacking the user, it attacks the wireless router that user is connected to and execute a DNS Robbery attack. Malware AndroidOS Switcher, carry out a brute force attack on […]

Switcher: Android joins the ‘attack-the-router’ club

Recently, in our never-ending quest to protect the world from malware, we found a misbehaving Android trojan. Although malware targeting the Android OS stopped being a novelty quite some time ago, this trojan is quite unique. Instead of attacking a user, it attacks the Wi-Fi network the user is connected to, or, to be precise, […]

Home routers under attack in ongoing malvertisement blitz

DNSChanger causes network computers to visit fraudulent domains. As you read these words, malicious ads on legitimate websites are targeting visitors with malware. But that malware doesn’t infect their computers, researchers said. Instead, it causes unsecured routers to connect to fraudulent domains. Using a technique known as steganography, the ads hide malicious code in image […]

Inherent Vulnerability making Netgear’s Routers Exploitable by Hackers

Security flaws are plaguing devices one-by-one and network routers are the latest to bear the brunt of such flaws as lately, security flaws in routers are being exploited by attackers with extreme enthusiasm. Their aim is to exploit the flaws and launch massive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) DDoS attacks for bombarding networks with traffic and shutting the […]

CERT Warns Users to Stop Using Two Netgear Router Models Due to Security Flaw

The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), an organization within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has published a security alert yesterday, warning owners of Netgear R6400 and R7000 models against using their routers for the time being, because of a severe security flaw. The organization decided to issue this extreme advice after a […]

Hacker claims army of 3.2M home routers seized via malicious firmware update

One of the hackers who amassed a new massive army of zombie internet-connected devices that can launch disruptive cyberattacks—even by mistake—now claims to have taken control of 3.2 million home routers, taking advantage of a flaw that allowed anyone to connect to them. On Monday, the cybercriminal, who calls himself BestBuy, claimed to have set […]

Newly discovered router flaw being hammered by in-the-wild attacks

Researchers detect barrage of exploits targeting potentially millions of devices.Online criminals—at  least some of them wielding the notorious Mirai malware that transforms Internet-of-things devices into powerful denial-of-service cannons—have begun exploiting a critical flaw that may be present in millions of home routers. Routers provided to German and Irish ISP customers for Deutsche Telekom and Eircom, […]

Black Nurse attack: Will a single laptop bring down Servers/Routers

Black Nurse attack is a new-threat emerging on it’s horizon, it can be launched from a single laptop which is capable of bringing server/firewalls to their knees. ICMP is an very commonly used protocol to identify live hosts, It is used by network devices like switches, Routers for sending error messages and operational information’s, for instance […]

D-Link DIR routers found with buffer overfow flaw

D-Link DIR model router’s Home Network Administration Protocol (HNAP) service contains a stack-based buffer overflow that has not been patched by the manufacturer. The flaw, listed under CVE-2016-6563, and spotted by Pedro Ribeiro, at Agile Information Security, can allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code with root privileges. The buffer overflow in the […]

AVG Wants Your Home Router to Fight Internet of Things Malware

The internet of things is totally broken. Amateur hackers have managed to build huge botnets of compromised devices, and many of these machines are difficult or near-impossible for manufacturers to remotely keep up to date. But there’s another way to keep internet of things hackers at bay: by making your router, which typically handles all […]

24 hours in the life of my home router by Francisco J. Rodriguez

Recently a massive DDoS attack has disconnected a large portion of users from the Internet, hackers exploited IoT devices. Is your router secure? “Are we ready to live in a world where all devices are exposed to cyber attacks?” That is how I opened my presentation in QurtubaCON16 – cyber security event at Córdoba City (Spain) […]

Linux.PNScan Trojan is back to compromise routers and install backdoors

The Linux Trojan Linux.PNScan is back and it is actively targeting routers based on x86 Linux in an attempt to install backdoors on them. Yesterday I wrote about a new Linux Trojan dubbed Linux.Rex.1, a new Linux malware that is capable of self-spreading and creating a peer-to-peer botnet, now experts from Malware Must Die discovered a new strain […]

Multiple Vulnerabilities in BHU WiFi “uRouter”

The BHU WiFi uRouter, manufactured and sold in China, looks great – and it contains multiple critical vulnerabilities. An unauthenticated attacker could bypass authentication, access sensitive information stored in its system logs, and in the worst case, execute OS commands on the router with root privileges. In addition, the uRouter ships with hidden users, SSH […]

IPv6 router bug: Juniper spins out hotfix to thwart DDoS attacks

Vulnerability common to devices routing IPv6; Cisco offered partial fix in July. Juniper Networks has found and mostly patched a flaw in the way the firmware on its routers process IPv6 traffic, which allowed malicious users to simulate Direct Denial of Service attacks. The vulnerability, which seems to be common to all devices processing IPv6 address, […]


Juniper Networks patched a crypto bug tied to its public key infrastructure that could have allowed hackers to access the company’s routers, switches and security devices and eavesdrop on sensitive communications. The flaw was tied to Juniper products and platforms running Junos, the Juniper Network Operating System. The bug (CVE-2016-1280) was reported and patched by […]

$10 router blamed for the massive $80 million Bangladesh Bank hack

Can you believe it! A mere $10 second hand router was responsible for the massive $80 million Bangladesh Bank hack. Back in February, hackers had managed to hack into one of the premier banks of Bangladesh also known as Bangladesh Bank and siphon of $80 million. The fact that hackers could gain access to the SWIFT network […]