Hackers Targeting Human Rights Activists in Morocco and Western Sahara

Human rights activists in Morocco and the Western Sahara region are the targets of a new threat actor that leverages phishing attacks to trick victims into installing bogus Android apps and serve credential harvesting pages for Windows users. Cisco Talos is tracking the activity cluster under the name Starry Addax, describing it as primarily singling […]

Sub-Saharan Africa’s SMEs, A Growing Favorite Target Of Threat Actors

When it comes to malware development and infection campaigns, it does not matter where the vulnerable computer systems are located. Malware in the wild are not limiting themselves to just infecting devices from a certain region or country, they don’t respect national borders once it is already on the public Internet. Sophos has emphasized that […]

Moroccan Ghosts Hacks Nigerian Ministry of Finance Website over Sahara Dispute

The official website of Nigerian Federal Ministry of Finance (http://www.fmf.gov.ng ) has been hacked and defaced by world renowned hackers from Moroccan Ghosts hacking group. Hackers left a deface page along with a message on the hacked Federal Ministry of Finance website. The deface message explains the reason for targeting Nigerian cyber space. According to the message: Moroccan Ghosts! Website Hacked! Coz […]

Moroccan Ghosts Defaces Nigerian Ministry of Defence Website over Sahara Dispute

The official website of Nigerian Ministry of Defence (http://www.mod.gov.ng/) has been hacked and defaced by world renowned hackers from Moroccan Ghosts hacking group. The site was hacked just few minutes ago, where the home page was left with a deface page along with a message. The page shows that site was defaced for an ongoing Sahara desert dispute […]