A credential stuffing attack exposed names, addresses, social security numbers, tax numbers & DOB of 35,000 PayPal accounts

After a credential stuffing attack on December 6, which gave hackers access to names, addresses, Social Security Numbers, individual tax identification numbers, and dates of birth, PayPal is in the process of mailing breach notification letters to almost 35,000 of its customers. The breach, which took place between December 6 and December 8, was brought […]

Social media accounts of Cambridge Analytica whistleblower suspended

Earlier this week, it was reported that in 2015 the social media giant Facebook provided access to 50 million of its user’s profiles to a UK based data analysis and data mining firm Cambridge Analytica (CA). Since the news broke, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica are being accused of illegally harvesting and using the Facebook users’ data to […]

Latin American social media giant Taringa hacked; 28M accounts stolen

Another day, another data breach – This time Taringa, a Reddit-like social network website for Latin American users has suffered a massive data breach in which 28 million accounts of registered users have been stolen. This was revealed when LeakBase, a data breach notification website got their hands on Taringa database. Upon scanning, it was concluded that in […]

Social media accounts of HBO, Game of Thrones and others hacked

OurMine, a Saudi Arabia based hacking group hacked the official Twitter account of HBO and its Game of Thrones TV series on Wednesday night. Upon taking over the accounts, the group started sending their signature Tweets asking the HBO to contact the hackers so they can sell their IT security services to the network “Hi, OurMine are […]

8Track Hacked: 18M accounts from music social network site stolen

[newad][/newad] A Dark Web hacker going by the online handle of “nclay” is claiming to have hacked the popular Internet radio and social networking website 8Track.com and has stolen 18 million accounts (18,674,447) of its registered users. The hacker tells HackRead that the website was hacked earlier this month in which he was able to grab account […]

Social Media Accounts Of Twitter And Yahoo CEOs Hacked By OurMine

Short Bytes: Hacking group OurMine has now targetted Jack Dorsey and Marissa Mayer. OurMine recently hacked their Twitter accounts and posted messages on their profile. OurMine has triggered the frequency of its operations in the recent times and targeting multiple high-profile tech CEOs and celebrities. Over this weekend, a mysterious group of hackers compromised the […]

5 Tools to protect your Social Media accounts

You should have these five tools to protect your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media accounts Social media has taken the world by storm through dozens of websites, mobile apps, and other forms of technologies improving the way people communicate with each other. There are social media sites that have millions of members allowing […]

Iran’ State TV Social Media Accounts Hacked by Pro-Saudi Hackers

Hackers took over the official Twitter account of Iran’s state Television ‘Al-Alam’ on Sunday, leaving material supportive of the Saudi-led air war against Iran-backed rebels in Yemen. Al-Alam has blamed Saudi government for targeting the channel due to its critical coverage of Yemen war. After taking over Al-Alam’s twitter account (@alalam_news), hackers started posting false reports about […]

Hacktivist Group Anonymous Takes Down ISIS Social Media Accounts (#OpISIS)

The hacktivist group Anonymous has attacked the terrorist organization Islamic State (ISIS) on a large scale. ISIS has a very strong social media presence and in this attack, its numerous accounts were taken down. ISIS uses these accounts to spread its propaganda and recruit new members. ISIS was believed to be responsible for the attack […]