AMP for Email: why so secure and how to get whitelisted?

If you’re reading this post, you are probably more or less familiar with brand new AMP for Emails technology developed by Google. It turned out that new horizons are opened wide for the commercial email channel. Therefore email marketers don’t have to retrain into plumbers or waiters. However, new skills and knowledge are obviously required […]

Bypassing Application Whitelisting with BGInfo

BGinfo.exe older than version 4.22 can be used to bypass application whitelisting using vbscript inside a bgi file. This can run directly from a webdav server.   My main inspiration for finding this bypass technique comes from Matt Graeber (@mattifestation) and Casey Smith (@subtee). A big thanks to Matt and Casey for their inspiration and […]

Android banking malware whitelists itself to stay connected with attackers

New Android.Fakebank.B variants use social engineering to bypass a battery-saving process and stay active in the background. Recent variants of Android.Fakebank.B have been updated to work around the battery-saving process Doze. The variants display a pop-up message asking the user to add the threat to the Battery Optimizations exceptions whitelist. If this technique works, then […]

Qihoo 360: Just the Tip of the Whitelisted Malware Iceberg

The Check Point Mobile Threat Prevention team has long stressed how dangerous it can be to get apps from places other than the Apple App Store and Google Play Even with well-known third-party app stores the problem of security has become more obvious than ever. A great example of this is Qihoo 360, a Chinese […]