Windows 10 to tighten security with prominent 2FA

Microsoft is taking aim at traditional single password systems with the upcoming version of Windows, by including build in two-factor authentication according to ZDNet, which describes the move as “audacious plans to tighten security”.

Windows 10 Technical Preview: A Spy in Disguise?

Windows 10 Technical Preview (TP), a trial version released last week, collects and transmits lots of user data to Microsoft, according to a report published in the Forbes. The daily�referred it as �jaw dropping level of invasion.� Microsoft announces in its privacy policy the kind of information it will be collecting from the users who […]

How to Record Skype Video and Audio calls for Windows and Mac

Pamela [Win] It is free to download and allows you to record calls you make using Skype. It works on Windows devices and according to the website its certified by Skype. Here is a list all the features that it has: Skype Call Recording Skype Video Recording Skype Chat Recording Skype Call Transfer Skype Call […]

Goodbye, Windows XP!

This patch Tuesday, April 8, 2014, sees the last updates to be released to the public for Windows XP and Office 2003. After today, these programs have reached their End of Life (EOL) status, and will no longer be supported by Microsoft

Time to Move On From Windows XP

Windows XP comes to an end of sorts on April 8, 2014. After this, Microsoft will cease providing security updates or support for this venerable operating system. ESET discusses implications and resources.

Windows exploitation in 2013

The year 2013 was notable for the appearance of 0-day vulnerabilities that were primarily used in targeted attacks. In this case, criminal hackers worked on developing exploits, only not for random propagation of malicious code, but rather for use in attacks on specific users.

Windows 8.1 – security improvements

A new white paper, titled Windows 8.1 Security – New and Improved, looks at the some of the most anticipated—and controversial—security features of this new “.1” point release of Windows 8.