CRUNCH INTRO:- While cracking the password, attacker always needs an wordlist. Normally, wordlist use thousand of words per second to crack the password. If attacker gathers some information about the victim like – birthday dates, children names, pets name, girlfriend name etc. Attacker can use information in creating of the custom wordlist, say ethical hacking […]

Create wordlist from Twitter using Twofi

TWOFI:- Twofi was written by Robin Wood at DigNinja. This tool can use to grab the contents of the user’s or company’s twitter feed. This tool allows to create custom wordlist for cracking passwords, explain ethical hacking investigators. For launching twofi Type twofi in linux terminal as shown below:- Before using twofi you must have an twitter developer’s […]

L517 – Simple Wordlist Generator

L517 contains hundreds of options for generating a large, personalized, and/or generic wordlist. With L517, you can generate phone numbers, dates, or every possible password with only a few clicks of the keyboard; all the while, filtering unwanted passwords. Features Collecting Gathers words from many different file-types, .txt .mp3 .pdf .ppt .srt .rtf .doc / […]

CeWL: Custom Wordlist Generator Taking URL as Parameter

Cewl wordlist generator is different from other wordlist generators as it takes the website URL as a parameter. It does so by crawling the website source code and picking up the interesting words from it. It comes preloaded with Kali Linux. If it is not present on your Linux machine you can get it from here. […]

Crunch-Cracker – Generate Wordlists and crack Wifi (WEP, WPA/WP2)

Generate a Wordlist and crack Wifi (WEP, WPA/WP2). Wordlist generator and Wifi Cracker Crunch-Cracker 1.0 beta Function crunch simple Wordlist generator Date: 10/10/2016 Dev: Shell Crunch-Cracker 1.1 Automate Wordlist generator Setting menu Multilingual Graphic Date: 23/04/2017 Langage:ENG, FR, ESP Dev: Shell Crunch-Cracker 1.2 Automate Wordlist generator Wifi cracker Function Cracker Graphic Date: 29/04/2017 Langage:ENG, FR, […]

Cupp: A Target Specific Wordlist Generator

Have you ever tried keeping password which has your partner, pet or any other specific name or date related to you? If your answer is yes, then you are gonna change your password after reading this article. A target specific wordlist generator tool dubbed “cupp”, can easily guess your password. It does so by performing […]

Crunch – Wordlist Generator

Crunch is a wordlist generator where you can specify a standard character set or a character set you specify. Crunch can generate all possible combinations and permutations. Features: crunch generates wordlists in both combination and permutation ways it can breakup output by the number of lines or file size now has resume support pattern now […]

Mentalist – Graphical Tool For Custom Wordlist Generation

Mentalist is a graphical tool for custom wordlist generation. It utilizes common human paradigms for constructing passwords and can output the full wordlist as well as rules compatible with Hashcat and John the Ripper. Screenshot: Install from Source Prerequisites Linux (APT package manager) Check if Python 3 is installed by running python3 –version If it […]