US Navy Facing 110,000 Cyber Attacks Every Hour

The internal IT & server system of US Navy is facing 110,000 cyber attacks every hour, 1,833 attacks a minute. According to a report published by HP during an event in Frankfurt, the software and IT security providing company confirms that US Navy is under constant cyber attacks by the hackers from different countries. The official blog post from the US Navy Seals […]

Anonymous Hackers to start #OpFuelStrike, threatens to attack International Oil Companies

Online hackavist group Anonymous has announced that they will now going one step further, this time the hackavist group will attack international Oil companies all over the globe. The operation has been named as #OpFuelStrike. The announcement was made in an email sent by the hackers to HackRead and also on their official Twitter account via PasteBin. The group said […]

American Financial Giants and Banks targeted in DDoS attacks

Cyber attacks on financial giants is not a new story these days, every now and then the hacktivist groups carry attacks on these capitalistic institutions, yet every attack has its own charm and a threat to these sectors. This is the case when attacks are carried against the leading banks of the ”world’s super power” commonly known as the […]

Al Jazeera Mobile hacked, false news alerts sent claiming attack on Qatar PM

According to Doha News, after the hacking of Aljazeera News Network (Arabic) by Syrian Electronic Army, now the official subscribers service of the channel for its SMS breaking news has been hacked, alerts were sent false updates when its system was hacked this evening. Syrian Electronic Army claimed the responsibility and posted a screen shot, where an inside view of subscribers service has been […]

Authentication attacks: Apple, Amazon, iCloud, Google, anything with a password

Sharing details of the hack that “wiped his life” has earned Mat Honan a place in the annals of information system security; the specific inter-dependence of flawed authentication systems that cost him so dearly–encompassing Apple, iCloud,, Gmail and more–would probably still exist if Mat had not gone public. Wired has the full story here

Guarding against password reset attacks with pen and paper

With the recent announcements of password breaches at LinkedIn, and warnings from Google about state-sponsored attacks on Gmail accounts, it seems like a good idea now to review some password security basics.  In this blog post, we’re going to take a look at a rather low-tech solution to a decidedly high-tech problem:  How to guard

FBI charging Anonymous for stealing $700K CC from Stratfor attack

In a new development during AntiSec’s Jeremy Hammond arrest case, the FBI told the court that it has now charged the group for stealing credit card information equals $700,000. Last December AntiSec, known as a branch of Anonymous hacking group hacked into database of security agency Startfor and leaked 200GB worth of data, with username, passwords, information […]

Russian election webcams attacked by DDoS attacks

Hackers have attacked a large network of  web cameras which were installed for monitoring voting in the country’s forthcoming presidential elections. These web cameras were installed by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to publicly monitor the votings. According to Deputy Communications Minister Ilya Massukh “We are launching this site ahead of time in order to understand the nature of the threats. Total 54,000 […]

Azerbaijan Websites Attacked by Iranian hacker

According to the communications ministry of Azerbaijan, Several Azerbaijani government websites were attacked by Iranian hackers Wednesday night. Government of Azerbaijan has criticized the hackers after the website of  state owned television was hacked and defaced with the message “Life is a game. Game over!” by hackers who called themselves “Iranian Cyber Army”. Later the state airline of Azerbaijan AZAL was […]

Anonymous Attack on Brazilian Websites – Tangara da Serra City Website Hacked and Defaced

Anonymous hackers have hacked and defaced three Brazilian websites, One of Brazil’s federal district, second belongs to a famous Brazilian singer and the third one is Tangara da Serra city’s website in protest against the federal raid and shutdown of Anonymous hackers have launched #OpMegaUpload against the American government and any government who supports the shutdown. Last week Anonymous […]

Anonymous launch massive attacks on Dept of Justice & other US Govt sites

Anonymous hackers have successfully attacked US Department of Justice,  Warner Music Group, Motion Picture Association of America and Universal Music Group’s website,  Anonymous is also carrying out attacks on White House’s website against yesterday’s raid on ( file sharing service) and PIPA and SOPA legislation. According to RT, Anonymous representative Barrett Brown has told the firm that ” “It was in […]

Saudi & UAE Stock Exchange Websites Attacked by Israeli Hackers

Cyber heat is spreading all over the Middle East, this time Israeli hackers have attacked Saudi Arabian and UAE’s stock exchange websites yesterday on Tuesday. According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, An Israeli hacking group by the name of IDF Hacking Team infiltrated into the Saudi stock exchange website and causing a delay to the UAE’s stock […]

2012 Predictions: More mobile malware and localized attacks

I want share with you what ESET Latin America’s Research team thinks will be the main trends in malware and cybercrime in 2012. In our office it is usual to produce an analysis of emerging trends in a year-end report and so, in keeping with recent postings by my ESET colleagues, I present a summary

SCADA attacks gone crazy

SCADA, a network-enabled setup for controlling infrastructure, is hitting the headlines in force for falling victim to cyber scammers. There have been several incidents of unauthorized access to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems recently, from guessing simple passwords, to full-on spear phishing attacks against a hardware vendor, which were then used to access

US Pentagon: it’s official, military response to cyber attacks

Awhile back we noticed signals from the US Pentagon that they were considering the possibility of a traditional military response to cyber attacks on US physical infrastructure. Basically, a cyber attack on infrastructure could be considered an act of war. We now see the official report released, confirming this. The report states, “When warranted, we

Phone Scams and Panic Attacks

…many scams work by panicking victims into taking some unwise action, whether it’s parting with their credit card details or opening a malicious program, claiming that some problem or illegal action is associated with their computer or IP address, such as transmitting malware or visiting paedophile or other pornographic sites…

Protecting Against Password Reset Attacks

As I previously blogged today, the hacker who broke into Sarah Palin’s Yahoo account was convicted on two charges. The way that David Kernall gained access to Palin’s email account was by trying to log into  her account, saying “I forgot my password” and then he correctly answered the password reset questions. Some of the

(Fake) Videos of Berlusconi attack

It is public knowledge that the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was hit in the face which left him with facial injuries, a broken nose and several broken teeth. The video of the attack is circulating on the Internet but at this time, if you search for them on any search engine it is possible