Justice and Community Safety Directorate Australia website hacked by AnonymouSanka

One after another, anonymous hackers are taking down the top government websites non-stop, this time the government owned Justice and Community Safety Directorate Australia website has been hacked and defaced by AnonymouSanka. Hack was announced by AnonymouSanka via their twitter account: At the time this artilce was written, the website was showing deface page uploaded by AnonymouSanka.

European Atomic Data website site Hacked & Data leaked by AnonOpsRomania

European Atomic Data website was hacked and data leaked by AnonOpsRomania. Website was taken down via simple sql injection, according to the twit post by AnonOpsRomania on twitter. Targeted website: http://www.adas-fusion.eu/ Leaked Database: http://pastebin.com/jnzUkBWp This is a random workpackage that we’re releasing as a teaser from ‘Atomic Data and Analysis Structure for Fusion in Europe’, to be more precise […]

answering-islam.org taken down by Z Company Hacking Crew (ZHC)

Answering-Islam.org, one of most anti-Islamic website has been taken down by Z Company Hacking Crew (ZHC) via Distributed denial of service attack (DDOS). Website was taken down few hours ago by the crew. ZHC permanently took down Burn-The-Quran website few days ago. According to facebook message from ZHC, they have taken the website down for its anti-Islamic, hate mongering and […]

Indian Porn Server hacked by Pak Cyber Pyrates

Pak Cyber Pyrates from Pakistan have hacked over 130 porn websites from India. Hackers left their deface page on the hacked porn websites. For complete list of hacked websites click here ,there are about 130 porn websites on the server which are taken down by PCP for good.

Police Equipment Supplier New York Iron Works hacked and defaced by Anonymous for #FFF

Anonymous hackers angry over LulzSec disaster have taken down  official website of  Police and other Law enforcement supply contractor and database leaked for #FFF. The company deals in police equipment, police gear, tactical clothing, accessories, flashlights, weapon lights, etc was found in 1995 and since then it is a permanent contractor for Law enforcement agencies in the US. Anonymous annouced the hack […]

Colombian Municipal Government website hacked and defaced by bu1d0s3r – KALIMNDOR TEAM

Colombian Municipal Government website has been hacked and defaced by bu1d0s3r of KALIMNDOR TEAM. According to an announcement by KALIMNDOR TEAM via their twitter account the hacking team revealed the hack.  Website basically belongs to Colombian government’s Cesar Department  is a department of Colombia located in the north of the country in the Caribbean region, bordering to the north with the […]

National Union of Journalists India hacked by Bangladesh Cyber Army

Bangladesh Cyber Army has hacked the official website of National Union of Journalists India (NUJI). BCA successfually uploaded their deface page on the hacked website. Targeted website: http://www.nujindia.com Zone-h Mirror:  The Deface page contains following messsage for the Indian government: 1. Stop hacking Bangladeshi websites and stop all types of access to Bangladeshi Cyber Space completely… 2. Stop […]

Twitter shares data for hacking investigation

A superior court judge inSuffolk, after the incidents of web disruption which includes shutting down of the department’s website releasing the data like the personal email IDs passwords and Emails of Police officers, has sided withBostonpolice in their bid to stalk down the anonymous hackers. This order was signed Tuesday last (issued days after the […]

200+ Indian websites Hacked by P4k cyb3r hunt3rz

Hackers from Pak Cyber Hunter group have hacked more then 200 Indian websites, all the websites belong to private sector are now showing deface page left on the sites by the hackers. Hackers defaced all the websites in protest and for the freedom for Indian administrated Kashmir. Complete list of hacked websites: http://pastie.org/3544587 Complete list of […]

Virtual Electronic Romania website hacked by Anonymous and database leaked for #AnonOpsRomania

Anonymous hackers have taken down the website of Romania and the database has been leaked online. According to an announcment via twitter account, the hackers have hacked the websites for their on going operation against Romanian government known as #AnonOpsRomania Target: www.virtual-electronic.ro Leaked Database: http://pastebin.com/T1v8iHGT Pastebin Dump contains, username, bank details, contacts, phone numbers and other data from the website.

Panda Security website hacked by Anonymous, vows to fight against LulzSec arrests

After the arrest of their top most members, Anonymous promised to take revenge in one of their announcement via twitter and the very next day Anonymous hacked famous Panda Security website, leaving behind a deface message. On the deface page,  Anonymous scoffed the former LulzSec leader Sabu aka Hector Xavier Monsegur for playing double game and helping FBI in taking down […]

Israel Consulate General & 7 other Israeli websites hacked by Shadow008 & KhantastiC

Shadow008 & KhantastiC well known hackers from Pakistan have hacked and defaced top Israeli government websites, including the Consulate General of Israel – Toronto, Consulate of Israel to New England – Boston, Consulate General of Israel – San Francisco and the Consulate General of Israel – Chicago.    Target : toronto.mfa.gov.il Mirror : http://arab-zone.net/mirror/115160/toronto.mfa.gov.il/media/index.htm Target : sanfrancisco.mfa.gov.il Mirror: Target :  www.chicago.mfa.gov.il  Mirror : http://arab-zone.net/mirror/115162/chicago.mfa.gov.il/media/index.htm Target : […]

Microsoft Bosnia Hacked and Defaced By Turkey Cyber Army

Turkey Cyber Army seems quiet busy these days, just 5 days ago Turkish hackers hacked and defaced Official Nod32 Zimbabwe Website . Today the same team of hackers have hacked official website of Microsoft Bosnia and successfully defaced it, leaving it with a deface message. Targeted website: microsoft.ba Mirror:  According to the deface message left by Turkey Cyber Army:  [ Turkey Cyber Army […]

Anonymous Sabu was FBI : Helped to Trace down other LulzSec hackers

LulzSec hacking group was raided in two continents by the police earlier today, where it gathered large number of evidence assisted  by the group’s leader “Sabu” who according to Fox News report had been secretly working for the FBI and government for months, resulted in  arrest of three and charged two more with conspiracy from LulzSec group. Fox News report says […]

High Commission of India in London Hacked by Ethical BD HaXor

It seems as if there is no chance of peace between Indian and Bangladeshi hackers, as the website of High Commission of India in London was hacked by Ethical BD HaXor from Bangladesh, earlier this morning. Target : http://hcilondon.in/ Mirror: http://arab-zone.net/mirror/114291/hcilondon.in/ At the time this article was written, High Commission website was showing following error: This website […]

Peru Police Infomation Site Hacked by Anonymous LulzSecPeru

Just few hours ago, Official website of Peru Police Information was hacked and defaced by LulzSecPeru. According to an announced made by the hackers via twitter account “If the police like to infiltrate us, maybe we can do the same”. Hackers left a deface message for Peru Police on the website: Hacked by LulzPeru “You don´t know nothing” “This […]

Sony Music Hacked : Micheal Jackson’s recordings stolen by Hackers

Sony Music, famous for its phony web security has done it again, this time Sony Music has been hacked and The King of Pop, Michael Jackson’s recordings have been allegedly stolen by hackers. Stolen catalogue has more then 50,000 music files mostly from Micheal Jackson have been downloaded allegedly by the hackers. According to The Guardian James McCormick, 25 and James Marks, 26, […]

Six Automotive Giants: FORD, KIA, Subaru, Suzuki, Kawasaki, SsangYong Hacked and Defaced by Q8 Spy

Moving ahead after hacking electronic giants, its time for Automotive giants to feel the heat as the websites of SsangYong Motors,  Kawasaki Heavy Industries , Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) ,  KIA Motors, Subaru, Suzuki Motors and  Toyota Motor Corporation have been hacked and defaced by Q8 Spy. Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) is an American multinational automaker based in Dearborn and the […]

Epson hacked and data leaked by Anonymous Hacker @AnonyINTRA

After taking down Sony and other electronic giants, Anonymous hacker has taken down an other electronic giant Epson. In a tweet  by Anonymous Hacker @AnonyINTRA, it was revealed that the database of Epson has been hacked and data has been leaked.  Leaks have working usernames and passwords which is available on: http://pastebin.com/XziEntpy  

800 Websites Hacked by Pak Cyber Pyrates for #opFreedomPalestine

Pak Cyber Pyrates hackers from Pakistan have hacked 800 websites for #opFreedomPalestine. All the 800 websites were successfully hacked and deface by the PCP hackers. According to Hackers: #opFreedomPalestine #Hacked by Cyb3r0ck3r & M Khan PCP – Pak Cyber Pyrates #Thanks to team PCP #Greetz to All those who support #opFreedomPalestine Hackers also left a deface […]

Pentagon and Mexican Presidential Servers Hacked by Yei zeta and Database leaked

The Pentagon’s military based server l, Mexican Presidential server www.presidencia.gob.mx , University of Washington and Cambridge CEEDS Society servers have been hacked by Yei zeta and leaked data has been dumped on pastebin. University of Washington was already under attack by Team ITNRA hacker ‘HaxOr’ few days ago, while this time Yei zeta hacker was able to win the game by re-exploiting. Following is the press […]