New Rust-based Fickle Malware Uses PowerShell for UAC Bypass and Data Exfiltration

A new Rust-based information stealer malware called Fickle Stealer has been observed being delivered via multiple attack chains with the goal of harvesting sensitive information from compromised hosts. Fortinet FortiGuard Labs said it’s aware of four different distribution methods — namely VBA dropper, VBA downloader, link downloader, and executable downloader — with some of them […]

Experts Uncover New Evasive SquidLoader Malware Targeting Chinese Organizations

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new evasive malware loader named SquidLoader that spreads via phishing campaigns targeting Chinese organizations. AT&T LevelBlue Labs, which first observed the malware in late April 2024, said it incorporates features that are designed to thwart static and dynamic analysis and ultimately evade detection. Attack chains leverage phishing emails that come […]

New Malware Targets Exposed Docker APIs for Cryptocurrency Mining

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new malware campaign that targets publicly exposed Docket API endpoints with the aim of delivering cryptocurrency miners and other payloads. Included among the tools deployed is a remote access tool that’s capable of downloading and executing more malicious programs as well as a utility to propagate the malware via SSH, […]

NiceRAT Malware Targets South Korean Users via Cracked Software

Threat actors have been observed deploying a malware called NiceRAT to co-opt infected devices into a botnet. The attacks, which target South Korean users, are designed to propagate the malware under the guise of cracked software, such as Microsoft Windows, or tools that purport to offer license verification for Microsoft Office. “Due to the nature […]

Pakistani Hackers Use DISGOMOJI Malware in Indian Government Cyber Attacks

A suspected Pakistan-based threat actor has been linked to a cyber espionage campaign targeting Indian government entities in 2024. Cybersecurity company Volexity is tracking the activity under the moniker UTA0137, noting the adversary’s exclusive use of a malware called DISGOMOJI that’s written in Golang and is designed to infect Linux systems. “It is a modified […]

Arid Viper Launches Mobile Espionage Campaign with AridSpy Malware

The threat actor known as Arid Viper has been attributed to a mobile espionage campaign that leverages trojanized Android apps to deliver a spyware strain dubbed AridSpy. “The malware is distributed through dedicated websites impersonating various messaging apps, a job opportunity app, and a Palestinian Civil Registry app,” ESET researcher Lukáš Štefanko said in a […]

Pakistan-linked Malware Campaign Evolves to Target Windows, Android, and macOS

Threat actors with ties to Pakistan have been linked to a long-running malware campaign dubbed Operation Celestial Force since at least 2018. The activity, still ongoing, entails the use of an Android malware called GravityRAT and a Windows-based malware loader codenamed HeavyLift, according to Cisco Talos, which are administered using another standalone tool referred to […]

New Cross-Platform Malware ‘Noodle RAT’ Targets Windows and Linux Systems

A previously undocumented cross-platform malware codenamed Noodle RAT has been put to use by Chinese-speaking threat actors either for espionage or cybercrime for years. While this backdoor was previously categorized as a variant of Gh0st RAT and Rekoobe, Trend Micro security researcher Hara Hiroaki said “this backdoor is not merely a variant of existing malware, […]

China-Linked ValleyRAT Malware Resurfaces with Advanced Data Theft Tactics

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered an updated version of malware called ValleyRAT that’s being distributed as part of a new campaign. “In the latest version, ValleyRAT introduced new commands, such as capturing screenshots, process filtering, forced shutdown, and clearing Windows event logs,” Zscaler ThreatLabz researchers Muhammed Irfan V A and Manisha Ramcharan Prajapati said. ValleyRAT was […]

SPECTR Malware Targets Ukraine Defense Forces in SickSync Campaign

The Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) has warned of cyber attacks targeting defense forces in the country with a malware called SPECTR as part of an espionage campaign dubbed SickSync. The agency attributed the attacks to a threat actor it tracks under the moniker UAC-0020, which is also called Vermin and is assessed […]

Hackers Exploit Legitimate Packer Software to Spread Malware Undetected

Threat actors are increasingly abusing legitimate and commercially available packer software such as BoxedApp to evade detection and distribute malware such as remote access trojans and information stealers. “The majority of the attributed malicious samples targeted financial institutions and government industries,” Check Point security researcher Jiri Vinopal said in an analysis. The volume of samples […]

Hackers Use MS Excel Macro to Launch Multi-Stage Malware Attack in Ukraine

A new sophisticated cyber attack has been observed targeting endpoints geolocated to Ukraine with an aim to deploy Cobalt Strike and seize control of the compromised hosts. The attack chain, per Fortinet FortiGuard Labs, involves a Microsoft Excel file that carries an embedded VBA macro to initiate the infection, “The attacker uses a multi-stage malware […]

DarkGate Malware Replaces AutoIt with AutoHotkey in Latest Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks involving the DarkGate malware-as-a-service (MaaS) operation have shifted away from AutoIt scripts to an AutoHotkey mechanism to deliver the last stages, underscoring continued efforts on the part of the threat actors to continuously stay ahead of the detection curve. The updates have been observed in version 6 of DarkGate released in March 2024 […]

Andariel Hackers Target South Korean Institutes with New Dora RAT Malware

The North Korea-linked threat actor known as Andariel has been observed using a new Golang-based backdoor called Dora RAT in its attacks targeting educational institutes, manufacturing firms, and construction businesses in South Korea. “Keylogger, Infostealer, and proxy tools on top of the backdoor were utilized for the attacks,” the AhnLab Security Intelligence Center (ASEC) said […]

Russian Hackers Target Europe with HeadLace Malware and Credential Harvesting

The Russian GRU-backed threat actor APT28 has been attributed as behind a series of campaigns targeting networks across Europe with the HeadLace malware and credential-harvesting web pages. APT28, also known by the names BlueDelta, Fancy Bear, Forest Blizzard, FROZENLAKE, Iron Twilight, ITG05, Pawn Storm, Sednit, Sofacy, and TA422, is an advanced persistent threat (APT) group […]

RedTail Crypto-Mining Malware Exploiting Palo Alto Networks Firewall Vulnerability

The threat actors behind the RedTail cryptocurrency mining malware have added a recently disclosed security flaw impacting Palo Alto Networks firewalls to its exploit arsenal. The addition of the PAN-OS vulnerability to its toolkit has been complemented by updates to the malware, which now incorporates new anti-analysis techniques, according to findings from web infrastructure and […]

Europol Shuts Down 100+ Servers Linked to IcedID, TrickBot, and Other Malware

Europol on Thursday said it shut down the infrastructure associated with several malware loader operations such as IcedID, SystemBC, PikaBot, SmokeLoader, Bumblebee, and TrickBot as part of a coordinated law enforcement effort codenamed Operation Endgame. “The actions focused on disrupting criminal services through arresting High Value Targets, taking down the criminal infrastructures and freezing illegal […]

Beware: These Fake Antivirus Sites Spreading Android and Windows Malware

Threat actors have been observed making use of fake websites masquerading as legitimate antivirus solutions from Avast, Bitdefender, and Malwarebytes to propagate malware capable of stealing sensitive information from Android and Windows devices. “Hosting malicious software through sites which look legitimate is predatory to general consumers, especially those who look to protect their devices from […]

JAVS Courtroom Recording Software Backdoored – Deploys RustDoor Malware

Malicious actors have backdoored the installer associated with courtroom video recording software developed by Justice AV Solutions (JAVS) to deliver malware that’s associated with a known implant called RustDoor. The software supply chain attack, tracked as CVE-2024-4978 (CVSS score: 8.7), impacts JAVS Viewer v8.3.7, a component of the JAVS Suite 8 that allows users to […]

Stealthy BLOODALCHEMY Malware Targeting ASEAN Government Networks

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered that the malware known as BLOODALCHEMY used in attacks targeting government organizations in Southern and Southeastern Asia is in fact an updated version of Deed RAT, which is believed to be a successor to ShadowPad. “The origin of BLOODALCHEMY and Deed RAT is ShadowPad and given the history of ShadowPad being […]

Malware Delivery via Cloud Services Exploits Unicode Trick to Deceive Users

A new attack campaign dubbed CLOUD#REVERSER has been observed leveraging legitimate cloud storage services like Google Drive and Dropbox to stage malicious payloads. “The VBScript and PowerShell scripts in the CLOUD#REVERSER inherently involves command-and-control-like activities by using Google Drive and Dropbox as staging platforms to manage file uploads and downloads,” Securonix researchers Den Iuzvyk, Tim […]