Malware Finds New Trick to Hide Rogue DNS Settings on Windows

DNS Unlocker finds a way to hide hijacked DNS servers from human operators via one “special” character. A Potentially Unwanted Application (PUA) named DNS Unlocker has found a new way to hide rogue DNS settings inside Windows installations that are invisible to the human eye at first glance. Its method works on Windows XP, Vista, 7, […]

Windows ‘God Mode’ Feature Exploited by New Malware to Avoid Identification

Researchers have identified a new malware taking advantage of Windows God Mode and infecting users. Malware in a Window OS is not a new thing but Microsoft claimed that apps in Windows 10 will automatically detect the presence of malware — However, the Dynamer malware breached Windows OS security by exploiting God Mode. God Mode is […]

How To Find And Kill A Remote Connecting Malware On Windows 10

Short Bytes: Here are the simple and easy steps on how to find, kill and delete a remote connecting malware using command prompt on Windows 10. These steps use PID of an unwanted remote connection and based on that, we take the further actions to delete the malware. Command prompt can be a useful tool in scanning […]

Malware Takes Advantage of Windows ‘God Mode’

Microsoft Windows has hidden an Easter Egg since Windows Vista. It allows users to create a specially named folder that acts as a shortcut to Windows settings and special folders, such as control panels, My Computer, or the printers folder. This “God Mode” can come in handy for admins, but attackers are now using this undocumented feature for evil […]

Windows and Linux Malware Linked to Chinese DDoS Tool

Malware was infecting machines, adding them to its botnet.Similar-looking malware targeting both Linux and Windows computers has been linked to a DDoSing toolkit sold by Chinese hackers via the ddos[.]tf service, Malware Must Die! reports. The malware, codenamed Linux/DDOSTF (or Linux/MrBlack) targets mainly Linux machines running Elasticsearch servers, but also attacks and infects Windows systems, […]

Researchers Found Windows’ Malware Similar To The One Used by NSA

NSA’s one of the known snooping tactics is installing a malware into hard drive’s firmware which makes the deletion of the malware nearly impossible even the malware can avoid formatting of the hard drive. Nemesis is a malware that can be used for similar purposes as it can avoid clean-up software and can even avoid […]

The Economist’s Ad-Blocker was Hacked, Delivered Malware to Windows Users

Economist’s anti-ad blocking analytics service got hacked on 31st October (company’s officials didn’t disclose until 5th November) and the exposed site made users download a malware into their systems. The Economist runs a service for publishers that provides statistics on the percentage of users reading their content with ad blocking services on their site. The […]

Windows Registry now Providing Shelter to Destructive Kovter Malware

Kovter Trojan can hide in Windows registry and does not need to be stored on the computer’s hard drive- claims Symantec — Research reveals that Kovter’s security evading feature is akin to Poweliks malware. The malware was discovered firstly in 2013. Symantec’s researchers detected the malware’s version 2.0.3 in May 2015. It happens to be the […]

Kovter Malware Now Lives Solely in the Windows Registry

Symantec’s researchers have discovered a new version of the Kovter trojan, which now mimics the Poweliks malware and is able to live on your computer’s registry, without needing to be stored on your hard drive. Kovter, first spotted in 2013, has been one of the most updated malware families around, constantly changing its MO, adapting […]

Microsoft Windows Devices Responsible For 80% of Malware Infections

Microsoft Windows, in spite of having an insignificant share in the mobile market, is the leading operating system that is responsible for mobile device malware infections that is carried through mobile networks, according to the latest malware periodic report prepared by Alcatel-Lucent’s Motive Security Labs on Tuesday. The report suggests that during the beginning of the second […]

Apps will Automatically Detect Malware in Windows 10

Software developers will have the opportunity to integrate their application to any antimalrware program (available on their computer) in windows 10.  Microsoft will be offering a totally new mechanism in its Windows 10, which will allow software developers to embed their apps with almost any antimalware program existing on the user’s computer. This new mechanism […]

“Android, OS X, iOS and Windows are all malware”, says GNU creator

Richard Stallman, the famous creator of GNU operating system, which is often called Linux, opined in a post in The Guardian that almost every operating system in use today can be qualified as malware. The list goes on with today’s popular mobile platforms as well as desktop operating systems. Stallman emphasizes that any software program […]

Windows Defender removes Superfish Malware from Lenovo PCs but not completely

The world renowned Lenovo Computer manufacturing company has been shipping laptops prepackaged with malware that makes you more vulnerable to hackers — all for the sake of serving you advertisements. To get rid of this malware Microsoft has released a signature update for Windows Defender to detect and remove Superfish malware installed on some Lenovo PCs. […]