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10 Best Google Play Store Alternatives: Websites And Apps

Google Play is the primary destination for Android users which satisfies all our needs for apps and games. But even with its vast collection of millions of apps, you might not find the app that you are looking for. The app may not be available in your region, it may be in the development stage, […]

Popular GoKeyboard App Spying on Millions of Android Users

For Android smartphone users, online life is always on the edge as every other day there is a new way with which cybercriminals plan to keep a tab on their devices and invade privacy. It is the rule of the thumb that an Android user must never trust the device for storing confidential data as […]

Researchers Discover New Android Banking Trojan

Security researchers have detected a new Android banking trojan by the name of Red Alert 2.0 that was developed during the past few months and has been recently rolled out into distribution. According to a report shared with Bleeping Computer before publication, security researchers from SfyLabs first saw ads for this trojan on a hacking […]

10 Ways To Increase Your Android Battery Life

Your Android phone is the object you spend most of your time with. It knows about you more than any person does, it is the source of unending information that you gobble every day, and with the advent of apps like Voice Assistants, it has become your AI friend. Android has become more and more […]

Android Apps Infected with ExpensiveWall Malware Downloaded 21M Times

Time and again we have witnessed the reality to be reinforced that it is extremely difficult to maintain the optimal security of our devices. Google, has infused great efforts in ensuring the security of software, Android apps, and devices, however, it turns out that it is next to impossible. Lately, we have seen Google Play […]

Which Programming Languages Do Programmers In Rich Countries Use?

If you’re related to the vast field of programming and creating something new with code, you might be knowing that your choice of programming language determines your workflow and ease. You will be surprised to know that the choice of programming language also depends on the financial status of a country, i.e., whether it’s a […]

BlueBorne Bluetooth Flaw Affects Millions of Smartphones, IoT and PCs

A Palo Alto based Internet of Things (IoT) security company Armis has discovered critical vulnerabilities in Bluetooth that if exploited can allow attackers to carry out remote attacks on millions of Android, iOS, Linux and Windows devices with Bluetooth enabled. Dubbed “BlueBorne” by researchers, the attack can be successfully carried out without any user interaction. That means […]

Xafecopy Malware Secretly Steals Money From Android Devices

In May 2017, Google announced there are more than 2 billion Android users worldwide, making it one of the most popular smartphone operating system. But that also makes it most vulnerable and a lucrative target for cyber criminals. Recently, IT security researchers at Kaspersky have detected a new Android malware aiming at stealing personal and financial information […]

Samsung wants you to hack its devices and get up to $200,000

It’s a fact that Android is one of the most vulnerable mobile operating systems and at the same time, people around the world widely use Samsung’s smartphones. Keeping both facts in mind; this combination makes Android devices a perfect and lucrative target for hackers and cyber criminals. While Google is implementing security measures to tackle this […]

Researchers Reveal New Toast Overlay Attack on Android Devices

Mobile security experts from Palo Alto Networks have detailed a new attack on Android devices that uses “Toast” notifications to help malware in obtaining admin rights or access to Android’s Accessibility service — often used to take over users’ smartphones. During the past few years, most of the top Android malware has used the same […]

How to be safe from Android malwares?

Google Android is the world’s most popular mobile operating system. It’s considered an open OS, which basically means that smartphone companies are free to change it to work in any way they need, and anyone can publish apps for it. As an end user, it is important to be careful while using Android devices. Android […]

DolphinAttack: Voice Assistant Apps Siri and Alexa Can Be Hacked

Mainstream Voice Assistants Including Siri and Alexa Plagued with Serious Vulnerability. Voice assistant apps are not as reliable as we deemed them to be. According to a group of researchers from Zhejiang University, the most popular of all voice assistants namely Siri and Alexa both contain a critical flaw. It must be noted that these […]

Hey Developers! Google Is Offering 75,000 Free Web And Android Scholarships

Google and Udacity have collaborated in the past and offered 1,000 and 10,000 scholarships to beginner coder in the years 2015 and 2016, respectively. In the latest development, the company is funding 75,000 more scholarships this year to promote young talent. In the announcement blog post, Google has said that despite the enthusiasm of developers, […]

7 Best Arduino Remote Control Apps On Android

Who doesn’t want to get rid of those bulky buttons and tangled wires while working on your embedded projects? Arduino Remote Control Apps on Android provides a Graphical User Interface(GUI) to control Arduino with ease. Introduced in the year 2003, the Arduino platform quickly caught the eye of open source community and electronic hobbyists due to […]

Dangerous WireX Android DDoS Botnet Killed by Security Giants

IT Security Vendors Successfully neutralized Deadly WireX Android Botnet through Collaboration – Google Removes Malicious Infected Apps from Play Store. Attacks like those launched through Mirai botnet in 2016 or WannaCry and NotPetya in 2017 had a global impact. Unsurprisingly, a whopping number of organizations were affected, and security experts were criticized left, right and center. […]

Sarahah App Uploads Your Contacts List on Unidentified Server

Sarahah is a new app that is gaining popularity among the masses lately with over 18 million downloads collectively on Apple and Google online stores. The app sends anonymized, blunt messages to its users and it has become the third most downloaded free software on iOS devices. The app claims to serve as a way […]

This App Lets Anyone with Limited Skills Create Android Ransomware

We now have a Mobile App that Helps Cybercriminals Develop Unlimited Strains of Android Ransomware. There was a time when launching malware attack was a daunting task as it required an exceptionally high level of social engineering skills to pull it off. But, today, it is quite easy as there are a number of tools […]