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Google Scraps Judy Malware Infected Apps Downloaded By 36M Android Users

Checkpoint researchers revealed that various apps were being downloaded through Google Play and that these so-called apps installed adware into users’ Android phones, secretly tricking them into click ads while earning millions through Google’s pay-per-click feature. The biggest ad fraud: It has been reported that after the campaign was revealed, Google removed over 40 apps […]

New Android Exploit ‘Cloak and Dagger’ Lets Attackers Steal User Data

Gone are those days when Google play store was a trusted place for downloads and it seems like hackers are bypassing the security protocols of Google play store quite easily as a new attack called “Cloak & Dagger” was spotted by security researchers which could let the hackers take over the infected device.  According to the […]

10 Cool Features Of Kotlin That’ll Make It Your Next Favorite Programming Language

Short Bytes: At I/O 2017, Google announced that it’s adding Kotlin programming language’s support in Android. Kotlin, which solves many pain points of Java, has been gaining momentum in recent past. Apart from being open source and featuring full Java interoperability, other best features of Kotlin make it something a programming enthusiast must know. Keeping […]

Google Adds Kotlin As An Official Programming Language For Android | Learn Here

At its Google I/O 2017 developer conference, Google just announced that Android is getting official support for Kotlin programming language. Kotlin is now supported along with Java and C++. For those who don’t know, Kotlin programming language is an open source project under Apache 2.0 license. Google calls it an awesome language which is brilliantly […]

How To Set Up Chromecast Using Android, iOS, And PC?

Short Bytes: If you have a Google Chromecast device, you can set it up using a plethora of devices running Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, and MacOS. All you need is the Google Home app or Chrome browser to configure Chromecast to work on your home WiFi network. After you’re done with the unboxing, you can […]

Many Smartphone Apps Using Ultrasonic Tracking Signals to Silently Track Users

Your smartphone may additionally have some apps which can be continuously listening inaudible, high-frequency ultrasonic tracking signals sounds from your surroundings and they understand wherein you go, what you want and dislike — all without your expertise. Ultrasonic tracking signals move-device monitoring is a new era that a few entrepreneurs and marketing agencies are presently […]

How To Download Paid Android Apps For Free? — 6 Legal Ways

Short Bytes: If you’re looking for a way to get paid Android apps for free, then you’re at the right place. Apart from promotions from Google and Amazon, many third-party websites and apps keep offering apps for free or heavy discounts. Use should use these methods to save money and avoid indulging in piracy. Our […]

Super Free Music Player Android App Comes with Malware Infection

A music app in the Google Play Store called Super Free Music Player turns out to be yet another malware-infected app that Google has missed. So far, between 5,000 and 10,000 people have downloaded it. The app was uploaded to the Play Store on March 31 this year, which means that it was posted for […]

Millions of Android Devices Vulnerable to Network Scan Attack

Researchers have recently discovered hundreds of vulnerable apps on Google Play Store which are allowing hackers to inject them with malicious code which, upon downloading, steal all data from an infected Android device. The problem, according to the researchers [PDF] is that some of the apps are creating open ports on smartphones, which is not a new […]

Hyundai Blue Link app vulnerable; login credentials and GPS data at risk

Hyundai Blue Link apps on Android and Apple app stores are vulnerable to cyber attacks which if exploited can allow attackers to steal personal as well as sensitive data of the user. The vulnerability exists in the apps’ software 3.9.4 and 3.9.5 which takes advantage of insecure WiFi spots or by the standard man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack to […]

Android Malware Posing as FIFA, Pokemon Go Guides Infected 600,000 Devices

A recently discovered strain of botnet malware has infected over 600,000 Android devices, as stated by the security researchers. Researchers have also found that the malware poses as a guide that wants to help gamers with online games like FIFA and Pokemon Go. These guides are actually a malicious software named FalseGuide. It’s been discovered […]

Milkydoor: A malware which can turn an Android phone into hacking device

Hackers have developed a highly sophisticated malware named “Milkydoor” which can turn any infected Android phone into a hacking tool. Trend Micro, a security firm, revealed on Thursday the discovery of a new malware “Milkydoor” which can be used by hackers to access the networks the phone is connected to, and steal data from it. Businesses in […]

Tons of Apps on Google Play Store Infected with BankBot Malware

A new Malware has been spotted in the wild targeting Google Play Store apps. The malware has been dubbed as “BankBot” by security researchers rand was first spotted in April 2008. So far at least 400 Google Play Store apps have been compromised. The origin of BankBot: According to the security experts at Securify, the malware seems to […]

Google strengthen it’s defence against Ransomware to Attack Android

[jpshare]Ransomware for Android, or any mobile platform, have been generally uncommon.The risk has fundamentally been kept to Windows desktops, where it’s flourished with a fast improvement cycles of new elements and capacities. At the current Kaspersky Lab Security Analyst Summit, Google tossed back on the blind on how it has curtailed ransomware on Android with […]