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Wikileaks Vault 7: CIA hacked Smart TVs, Phones, Trucks and Computers

Wikileaks, the famed whistleblowing platform, recently revealed a lot to the public. Titled Vault 7, Part 1, the documents show a grim view of government surveillance as we know it. Among the disturbing pieces of information was that of the CIA’s efforts to breach the security of Apple’s iPads and iPhones. The Central Intelligence Service […]

Android Smart Lock: 8 Hidden Ways To Unlock Your Android Smartphone

Short Bytes: Google’s Smart Lock includes various methods to unlock an Android device. You can use voice recognition, facial recognition or a Bluetooth-connected device to gain access to your phone. Using smart lock, you can also keep your phone unlocked while it is in your hands or automatically unlock your phone when you reach a […]

Hundreds of Android Apps on Google Play Store Infected with Windows Malware

Android apps have always remained an easy target of exploitation primarily because of the high number of Android users across the globe. In the latest research analysis from security firm Palo Alto Networks, it was revealed that around 132 Android apps on Google Play store contain malicious coding. This could be due to the use of infected computers by […]

Android Password Manager You Trust Could be Exposing Login Data

According to the latest findings from TeamSIK, a group of security researchers associated with Darmstadt, Germany-based Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology, a majority of the popular Android password managers are plagued with serious security flaws. As per the information revealed by TeamSIK (technical details), these weaknesses are so severe that user credentials can easily be […]

Humorous Android ransomware force victim to speak unlock code

Android Malware which has admirable listening quality,  force victim to speak unlock code. The latest variant of the Android ransomware named Android.Lockdroid.E is a great listener and it was identified by Symantec security team. The threat utilizes speech acknowledgment APIs and requires its victims to talk an open code rather than the conventional strategy for […]

Android ransomware requires victim to speak unlock code

Latest Android.Lockdroid.E variant uses speech recognition instead of typing for unlock code input. Being a good listener is normally considered an admirable quality in a person; however, it isn’t a quality you necessarily want to find in a piece of malware. The latest variant of the Android ransomware threat Android.Lockdroid.E is a great listener. In […]

BitTorrent distribution sites dropping crypto-ransomware on macOS

Cybercriminals prefer crypto-ransomware as it not only successfully targets Windows desktop but also those devices that run on MacOS or Linux. Now, according to ESET researchers, there is a new ransomware malware called “Patcher” targeting Mac users. The new ransomware is written in Swift and is called Patcher; it is being distributed through BitTorrent distribution […]

Released Android malware source code used to run a banking botnet

The new Android banking malware ESET recently discovered on Google Play was spotted in the wild again, targeting more banks. Further investigation of this resurfacing threat has uncovered its code was built using source code that was made public a couple of months ago. The previous version was detected by ESET as Trojan.Android/Spy.Banker.HU (version 1.1 […]

How to Install TOR on Android and iOS Devices

You can safeguard your online privacy when you are using an Android or iOS device to browse the internet by using TOR. TOR hides and occasionally changes your IP address when you are online. Thus, when you are using TOR on either of these devices, your privacy and identity will be safe when you visit […]

‘Android for Work’ Security Containers Bypassed with Relative Ease

Mobile security experts from Skycure have found two methods for bypassing the security containers put around “Android for Work,” allowing attackers to access business data saved in this seemingly secure environment. “Android for Work” is a security mechanism that Google added in Android with version 5.0 (Lollipop), which it launched in 2015. Currently rebranded under […]

IDF targeted by sophisticated cyber espionage through Android devices

Israeli members of the armed forces have remained under the radar of cyber spies and espionage actors for a very long time. However, In July last year, over a hundred officials were targeted by malicious cyber-criminals as they managed to compromise their cell phones/tablets and infiltrated data and transferred it to the command and control […]

Phwning the boardroom: hacking an Android conference phone

At Context we’re always on the lookout for interesting devices to play with. Sat in a meeting room one day, we noticed that the menus on the conference phone, a Mitel MiVoice Conference/Video Phone, had a very familiar Android style. We’re doing more and more product security evaluations on devices just like this device, and […]

ISIS Supporters Targeted with Android OmniRAT Malware

Islamic State supporters are being targeted with a modified version of the Telegram Android app that contains a version of the OmniRAT remote access toolkit. The app, named plus_gram.apk, is spread via ISIS’ Telegram channels. Some Daesh members have detected the embedded malware and are now warning others. Posts on underground ISIS forums detailing this […]

New Mac malware pinned on same Russian group blamed for election hacks

Xagent for Macs steals passwords, grabs screenshots, and exfiltrates iPhone backups. APT28, the Russian hacking group tied to last year’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, has long been known for its advanced arsenal of tools for penetrating Windows, iOS, Android, and Linux devices. Now, researchers have uncovered an equally sophisticated malware package the group […]

Android Banking Trojan Marcher Infects Devices to Steal Payment Cards

Cyber-security researchers at Securify, a Dutch security firm, have been evaluating the Marcher Android banking Trojan for the past six months. They have come to the conclusion that Marcher has been there since 2013 and its attacking tactics have been evolving since then. Until now, the Trojan has managed to infect thousands of Android devices […]

Android Ad Malware on Google Play Combines Three Deception Techniques

Three apps on Google Play use delayed attacks, self-naming tricks, and an attack list dictated by a command and control server to click on ads in the background without the user’s knowledge. Summary: Three apps on Google Play use delayed attacks, self-naming tricks, and an attack list dictated by a command and control server to […]

How To Download And Install Android Nougat 7.1.2 Beta

The Android Nougat 7.1.2 Beta is for developers, but as before anyone will be able to install it on a compatible device. Read on for instructions on how to subscribe to Google’s beta programme and install Android N 7.1.2 Beta. Downloading Android N is simple with Google’s Android Beta Program. Any devices enrolled to the programme […]

Fake Netflix, WhatsApp, Facebook Android Apps Contain SpyNote RAT

Cyber criminals prefer targeting Android devices due to its open-source model which means the source code is freely available for anyone to see and use. Lately, there has been an increase in third party apps for Android users but these apps come with a hefty price. Recently, the IT Security researchers at Zscaler identified some fake […]

38% of Android VPN Apps on Google Play Store Plagued with Malware

Downloading an application means that you are allowing the software open access to your mobile phone and all the data that is stored on it. Many a time, these applications are used for spying purposes by an individual or state-sponsored group of hackers. The criticism received by ZTE and Huawei for collecting and sending data to China shows how these […]

Malicious “Charger Ransomware” App Discovered on Google Play Store

CheckPoint, a renowned security firm, has discovered that at least one app on Google Play Store is infected with Charger Malware. Charger malware is technically ransomware because the app managed to steal contacts and messages/SMS data from the infected device and then gains admin permissions to lock the device so that victim cannot use it. […]