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Users Who Use Google And Apple Are Safe Against CIA Exploits

Yesterday WikiLeaks printed thousands of documents revealing prime United States intelligence agency CIA Cyber Security hacking secrets, as well as the agency’s ability to interrupt into iPhones, golem phones, smart TVs, and Microsoft, mackintosh, and UNIX operating systems. After the large uproar in individuals in concern of their privacy, the highest corporations Google and Apple […]

Google to Protect Mac Chrome Users with Additional “Safe Browsing” Alerts

It is a fact that lately, malware attacks against Mac devices are on the rise. Chrome users are being targeted rather continuously even on macOS systems; therefore, Google has now decided to broaden the security measures for macOS devices. The primary objective behind this decision is to ensure that users enjoy well-guarded and safe browsing […]

Cellebrite Can Now Unlock, Extract Data From iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

Cellebrite, the famous Israeli firm known for reportedly cracking the iPhone 5C of San Bernardino shooter is back in the news and this time the company is claiming that their Advanced Investigative Service (CAIS) product can now even crack iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. The announcement came from Cellebrite’s director of forensics research, Shahar Tal […]

iPhone Robbers Try to iPhish Victims

In another strange tale from the kinetic-attack-meets-cyberattack department, earlier this week I heard from a loyal reader in Brazil whose wife was recently mugged by three robbers who nabbed her iPhone. Not long after the husband texted the stolen phone — offering to buy back the locked device — he soon began receiving text messages stating […]

Apple May Introduce Facial Recognition Instead of Touch ID in iPhone 8

Apple had introduced fingerprint scanning feature to prevent users from the hassle of forgetting their passwords and also to make sure that the phone cannot be exploited by hackers and thieves if it gets stolen. However, the company believes that this is still not enough and they need to augment their security measures, even more, […]

Hackers Selling Undetectable Proton Malware for macOS in 40 BTC

Hackers are selling a malware for Mac devices on a prominent dark web marketing claiming that it is undetectable and comes with capabilities including taking full control of macOS devices by evading anti-virus detection. Dubbed Proton by its developers, the malware is a RAT (Remote Administration Tool) and is being sold in one of the […]

Researchers Discover Yet Another Malware Designed to Compromise Mac Devices

Bitdefender, renowned IT security/antivirus firm, has identified that the latest strain of Xagent for Mac is being used as a backdoor for intruders. After the malware is installed via Komplex downloader, it looks for a debugger’s presence and if it isn’t found it waits for network connection to be enabled to contact its C&C servers. The attackers then activate […]

Deleted browsing history on safari may not actually be deleted

Elcomsoft is a Moscow based firm that creates forensics software said it was possible [Pdf] to retrieve your deleted browser history beyond a year. Elcomsoft CEO Vladimir Katalov stumbled upon this while he was testing out his new hacking tool to view his safari history on his iPhone. He discovered that Apple was storing consumer data […]

76 Famous iOS Apps Vulnerable to Silent Data Interception

The IT security researchers at, a service responsible for scanning the binary coding of iOS apps to identify any prevailing security flaws, 76 popular iOS apps are not safe to be used. suggests that these are extremely common apps, with a combined total of 18 million downloads. The problem is that these apps possess […]

Quimitchin Malware Targeting Mac Users also Compatible with Linux

IT security researchers have discovered a new malicious code which affects Mac and Linux systems. It has been dubbed by Apple Inc., as Fruitfly while Malwarebytes named it as Quimitchin, a name inspired by Aztec spies. This newly identified malware spy on biomedical research centers. It is being speculated that the malicious code has remained […]

iCloud Glitch? Woman buys iPhone, finds contact details of top celebs

What would be your reaction if you buy a new iPhone and find your phonebook filled with personal contact numbers of hundreds of A-List celebrities including Adele and Nick Grimshaw? This is not a fairy tale or fable because the same has actually happened to a female who bought brand new iPhone 5S. Sophie Highfield […]

How to find your iPhone using “Find my iPhone” app

Our mobile phones are nothing short of a treasure trove of sensitive, private information. We have started relying a lot on our cellphones and store almost everything from pictures to videos, contact numbers and personal communications on these tiny devices. We never think about the fact that stealing or losing such tiny phones is always […]

Tech Support Scammers Targeting Mac Users with DoS attacks

The IT security firm has revealed that scammers are targeting Apple‘s Mac users with a new kind of malware that hijacks its Mail App and Safari browser to conduct denial of service (DOS) attacks. The attackers direct these apps to continually draft emails till the machine runs out of RAM and crashes eventually. The report also […]

Latest iMessage Hack Crashes iPhone within Minutes

iMessage is an application developed by Apple Inc. for facilitating instant message sending across iOS devices. It lets users send out text messages as well as audio messages, videos and pictures. It is also possible to personalize the messages sent via iMessage with a variety of animations using other Apple apps. This particular app is […]

Leaked info confirms in-house hacking capabilities of Israeli firm Cellebrite

Most iPhone users assume a certain level of security regarding the data on their device. However, a recent report from ZDNet detailing the capabilities of well-known Israeli Digital Forensics Firm; Cellebrite; has revealed that this very well may not be the case. iPhone and iOS, security appears to be largely contingent upon the model of […]

PCILeech Allows Hacking of Apple Mac Encryption Passcode in Seconds

PCILeech is a $300 device that was effectively and successfully used by a Swedish hacker and penetration tester for obtaining complete control over Mac or Macbook. The hacker Ulf Frisk is the creator of PCILeech, which any hacker can use to hack a MacBook. This particular device can hack the passcode of literally any Apple laptop […]