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Ransom Malware Targets Apple Users for First Time

Until now ransomware was targeting Windows and Linux users but now it’s time for Apple users to feel the taste The ongoing battle about encryption engulfing Apple has reached a whole new level as Apple users of the Macintosh computers were hacked over the weekend using software known as ransomware. The attempt is the first […]

BitTorrent Client Transmission Infected With World’s First Mac Ransomware KeRanger — How To Protect Yourself

Short Bytes: KeRanger — the world’s first Mac ransomware — has arrived to give you nightmares. Spread via BiTorrent client Transmission, the malware encrypts your computer files and demands a Bitcoin payment to decrypt it. The researchers mention that the malware appears to be under active development and it seems that it also attempts to encrypt […]

Come and Take a Hit, if you Dare! Declares the Pentagon

The Pentagon is asking hackers to come and hack into their systems — No, you won’t go to jail for it The US Defence Secretary Mr Ash Carter has invited hackers to hack into their systems to help find any security holes. In an effort to boost up its security system and check for any […]

FBI Director Asks — “What If Apple Engineers Are Kidnapped And Forced To Hack The iPhone?”

Short Bytes: On Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey appeared before the House Judiciary Committee and defended FBI’s demands for unlocking the iPhone of the San Bernardino shooting case. Calling the security concerns baseless, he asked a hypothetical question — “What if Apple engineers are kidnapped and forced to write code?” The drama in the Apple vs. FBI case reached […]

Swift : Most In-demand Programming Language With 600 Percent Increase In Jobs

Short Bytes: In a survey that covered tens of thousands of companies, it was revealed that Swift is the most in-demand programming language. Apple’s homegrown language has managed to record a 600 percent increase in freelance jobs in 2015. The developers who have knowledge of Swift are the most in demand programmers over the past […]

Apple vs. U.S. Department of Justice, The Winner is Apple

Apple = 1 — U.S. Department of Justice = 0 On Monday, a federal judge went against the Justice Department and surprisingly sided with Apple Inc. The matter was related to forcing the iPhone maker firm to let investigators access data from a locked iPhone. This phone was seized during a drug investigation. The ruling […]

Snowden’s Favorite Signal App Developer Hired by Apple

Apple has hired one of the developers behind Signal app — The app which has been used and endorsed by Edward Snowden So it seems that the Apple is hell bent on providing greater and superior security to its consumers, regardless of the controversy going on nowadays regarding giving access to alleged terrorists’ iPhone to the […]

Watch How An iPhone was Hacked with a Simple Toy

While the FBI is almost begging Apple to let them have a backdoor access to its iPhone, a Chinese company demonstrated how to hack it with Play Dough If you are keeping an eye on current affairs you must be aware of the ongoing tug of war between Apple and the FBI on the hacking […]

This journo got hacked while covering the FBI vs Apple iPhone hack story

Journalist gets hacked while writing the FBI vs Apple iPhone hack story. The recent United States court’s order to Apple for hack San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone and providing a backdoor for the agency has opened a all out war between the Apple supporters and FBI. The feud has divided the public, lawmakers, and tech CEOs over […]

Most Americans Want Apple to Cooperate with the FBI- Claims Pew Survey

The survey shows Americans are actually supporting FBI on the iPhone encryption issue. We all know about the heated debate going on between Apple and the FBI regarding weakening of security measures on the iPhone of alleged terrorists involved in the San Bernardino attack so that the agency could access data. We also know that […]

Bill Gates Says Apple Should Unlock Shooter’s iPhone For FBI

Short Bytes: The big names of American tech industry have expressed their support for Apple in its fight against the government’s demand to unlock the San Bernardino shooting iPhone for the FBI. However, the US government has just found an unlikely ally in the form of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. “They are not asking for some […]

Apple’s “Find My iPhone” Saves a Life!

A smartphone can take a life and it can also save a life — This time, it has saved a life. Technology has once again come to the rescue of humans. This time Apple’s “Find My iPhone” feature has helped a young woman rescue from her ex-boyfriend. The ex-boyfriend was trying to take her out of Pennsylvania […]

Apple Tips & Tricks: How To Unlock iPhone To Use it on Another Carrier

Are you wondering how to unlock your iPhone so you can use it with another carrier? Then wonder no more! Although initially the phone will only work with the SIM card provided to the carrier they’re locked to, there are ways to unlock your iPhone so that they can work with any SIM card. And […]

Man admits he stole nude celebrity pics from Apple and Gmail accounts

Phishing scheme gained illegal access to accounts storing 161 nude images. An Oregon man has admitted he tricked hundreds of people into divulging their Apple and Gmail passwords in a scheme that allowed him to steal nude images of more than a dozen victims, some of them celebrities. Andrew Helton, 29, of Portland, entered the plea […]

Which Phone is More Vulnerable to Hacking – iPhone or Android?

iOS users take on Android while Android users criticize Apple — But which OS is actually secure? It is a fact that cybercriminals develop an Android malware every 17 seconds while the other security flaws make an Android smartphone vulnerable to hackers. According to security experts, Apple’s devices are more secure and reliable in the context […]

Here’s Why John McAfee Is Ready To Decrypt The iPhone For FBI Free Of Charge

Short Bytes: “Cybersecurity legend” John McAfee has bashed the policies of American government’s stance on encryption. Taking Apple’s side, McAfee has offered FBI to allow him to decrypt the iPhone, free of charge. He called it a way to avoid the beginning of creation of backdoors in the devices.  The recent feud between Apple and FBI […]