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artificial intelligence

Smart Home Device Calls Police Amid Domestic Dispute

A Smart Home device essentially saved a life in New Mexico as it listened to a heated dispute between a couple and subsequently called 911. The authorities rushed in and broke off the confrontation in the spur of the moment. Smart Home becomes the hero As you may know, a Smart Home is a smart […]

Microsoft to use AI in Windows 10 to counter malware attacks

Microsoft’s Windows operating system seems to have been having a really bad year given the major cyber attacks taking place including the WannaCry incident and the most recently discovered Petya campaign. As a result, Microsoft has responded with a new and improved anti-virus software that is integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities designed to detect […]

FAISS: Facebook Just Released A New Open Source Library For Clustering Big Data

Short Bytes: FAISS is an open-source library released by Facebook for similarity search and clustering high-dimensional data. This library finds application in complex datasets like images and videos which could not fit in RAM all at once. With the advent of highly successful Machine Learning methods, there has been a boom in big datasets across […]

Check How Facebook AI Monitors Your Activities with this Crazy Chrome Extension

It isn’t a secret that Facebook studies the activities of its users for miscellaneous purposes using its Artificial Intelligence mechanism. It helps the social network in showing relevant information on your News Feed, which is usually evaluated by analyzing your social media interests and salient activities on the website. However, now you have an open […]

Google Is Bringing Artificial Intelligence To Raspberry Pi Computers

Short Bytes: In a recent blog post, Raspberry Pi has announced that Google is planning to create machine learning and artificial intelligence tools for the popular single board computer. Google has invited the makers to take part in a survey and help it build the best tools for the community. Google’s first tools for Pi […]

Building An AI Artist Using Neural Networks

Short Bytes: Compositional Pattern Producing Networks (CPPN), a kind of generative neural network, are a type of artificial neural network that differ in their set of activation patterns and application. By implementing it in Python using NumPy, we can easily generate artistic images. So, try it out and let your creativity flow. Having been introduced to AI, the […]

Introduction To Hardware Architecture for Deep Learning

Short Bytes: Deep Learning has high computational demands. To develop and commercialize Deep Learning applications, a suitable hardware architecture is required. There is a huge ongoing competition to develop efficient hardware platforms for Deep Learning application deployment. Here, we shall discuss specific hardware requirements and how the future looks for Deep Learning hardware. Deep Learning is the […]

Show And Tell: Google Open Sources Its Image Captioning AI In TensorFlow

Short Bytes: Google has open sourced its Show and Tell system which will now be available in TensorFlow machine learning library. The Show and Tell system can analyze an image and provide a relevant caption describing the situation of the image. The code of the system is available on GitHub. The Google Brain team develops […]

How MIT Is Teaching AI To Detect Cyberattacks And Defeat Hackers With 86% Accuracy

Short Bytes: MIT has developed a new AI system called AI2 to detect the cyberattack instances and mitigate hacking threats. This system analyzes billions of log lines per day and looks for meaningful patterns with abut 86 percent accuracy in detecting attacks. Detecting a cyberattack and its mitigation is one of the biggest challenges faced by businesses. Sniffing […]

Facebook Develops Artificial Intelligence to Map World Populace Accurately

Mark Zuckerberg wants Facebook to reach every home around the world and for that, he’s working on a map to find people across the world  Mark Zuckerberg plans to bring the entire world on Facebook’s platform, but this plan cannot be materialized until he finds all the people living in the world — Thus began […]

Latest Facebook Prototype AI Monitors and Narrates Events in the Video

Facebook has finally improved its AI mechanism and unveiled its personal digital assistant that enhances your video watching experience tremendously. According to Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR pdf) computer vision team head Rob Fergus, an image recognition program for videos uploaded on Facebook is under development. This program won’t just monitor but explain whatever is happening […]

A Neural Network in 11 Lines of Python

Artificial Intelligence is getting embedded in our lives on a regular basis in form of various speech recognition software, digital assistants like Cortana or, the famous deep dreaming robot of Google – that turns pictures and video into horror movies. All this intelligence comes from a software called neural networks. Recently, a programmer shared a […]

Facebook Can Now Recognize You in Photos Without Even Seeing Your Face

I’m fan of Facebook’s facial recognition technology and how efficiently is tags you automatically in pictures. Facebook is constantly improving its technology to recognize you and now it doesn’t need to see your face anymore. Facebook’s artificial intelligence team has been working these days on a new experimental facial recognition algorithm that recognizes the people […]