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cyber attacks

Dept of Homeland Security to Open Cyber Security Office in Silicon Valley

According to U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Mr. Jeh Johnson, the department will be opening a Cybersecurity related Satellite office in Silicon Valley. Jeh Johnson was addressing at the world’s largest cyber RSA security conference where he announced the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) plan to open an office in the Silicon Valley. It’s also pushing back […]

Managing Insider Threats with Internal Monitoring

The number of annual security incidents caused by insider threats is increasing. InThe CERT Guide to Insider Threats, Capelli et al write, “Insider threats are an intriguing and complex problem. Some assert that they are the most significant threat faced by organizations today.” Disgruntled system administrators damage data and systems, skilled professionals steal intellectual property, […]

NSA Document Expose Increasing Cyberwarfare Between Iran and the U.S

Shocking acceleration in the use of Cyberweapons between Iran and the U.S against each other has been revealed in a newly released National Security Agency document. This document was prepared for the then director of the NSA Gen. Keith B. Alexander in April 2013. As per the illustration in this document, Iran and the US […]

OpSaudi: Hackers Shutdown Saudi Bank Website

On Wednesday 17th Feb, 2015, a group of hacktivists calling themselves “The oppressed defenders” conducted a cyber attack on Saudi Arabian based bank AlJazira in shape of a Distributed denial of service attack (DD0S). As a result the online banking and e-service domains of bank AlJazira were forced to go offline for more than thirty minutes.  One of the hacker told HackRead […]

FBI: Iran Hackers May Conduct Cyber Attacks on U.S Defence, Energy Sector

US energy, defense and educational institutions are the top targets of a possible sophisticated cyber attack from the Iranian hackers, says a confidential document from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Cylance Inc, a cyber security firm, had also flagged this cyber hacking operation last week aiming critical infrastructure worldwide.  Dubbed as “Operation Cleaver”, it […]

NATO assists Jordan to fight-off ISIS cyberattacks

NATO is assisting its member nations and partners to fend off cyberthreats. One such effort, NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS), was launched on 1 October 2014 to support Jordan in its war against ISIS or ISIL. The NATO has set up a team of cyber experts to help Jordan defend its key infrastructure points […]

NATO Cyberwar Drills: Experts Claim Main Focus is Russia and ISIS

NATO’s cyber security drills are underway in Estonia and are most likely to replicate attacks launched by the cyber wing of Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL) and Russia. Around 400 experts from 16 countries are participating in the “Locked Shield” exercise this year. The cyber war drills are organized by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), taking place […]

Anonymous to attack Pakistani Government against police brutality

The online hacktivist Anonymous has announced to conduct a massive cyber attack on Pakistani government servers against yesterday’s police brutality on unarmed protesters demanding Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef’s resignation in Islamabad, Pakistan. In an exclusive conversation with one of the representatives of Anonymous movement, we were told that Anonymous will not let Mr. Shareef and […]

Anonymous to conduct cyber attack on Ferguson PD for shooting unarmed teen

The hacktivist group Anonymous is set to launch a massive cyber attack on Ferguson Police Department against shooting and killing of an unarmed 17 yr old teen Mike Brown on 9th August 2014. In order to deliver their message to public Anonymous has released a press release along with a video message on YouTube, explaining why the […]

Anonymous hackers take down Mossad website against Gaza attacks

The hacktivist group Anonymous has claimed responsibility of taking down the official website of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad against Gaza attacks. Mossad’s website was taken down in a DDoS attack early morning, claims one of the Anonymous hacker on Twitter. The attack seems to be massive as it has been over 10 hours that the […]

Norway�s financial sector under massive cyber attack, Anonymous claims �responsibility�

Norway�s�top financial institutions came under massive cyber attacks on Tuesday.Anonymous Norway appears to be behind this attack. The attack�on Norway�s�top financial institutions/banks, such as�Danske Bank,�Norges Bank,�Sparebank and renowned insurance agencies�Gjensidige and�Storebrand had their services disrupted. Other than banks, a telecom company and three national airlines also�came under attack. In an interview with Dagens N�ringsliv business […]

U.S. Energy Department Under Cyber-attacks allegedly by Chinese Hackers

In a report published by The Washington Free Beacon reports, the The Energy Department has been under massive cyber-attacks, as a result information of its hundreds of employees has been stolen, the officials are not positive over theft of secret information. The FBI is now investigating the attack in which hackers penetrated into 20 workstations and about 14 computer servers in […]

Israeli cellphone provider Pelephone says it was not hacked

The officials at Pelephone, Israel’s major cellphone provider company has announced that it was never hacked and cyberattack was never the cause for its service disruption. Gil Sharon, CEO of Pelephone told the media that We don’t know exactly what happened, it was a technical malfunction, but we know it wasn’t a cyberattack, we have a strong […]

China admits cyber warfare unit in People’s Liberation Army

The Chinese government for the first time admitted that it has highly skilled group of hackers in its army; supported, equipped and trained by the government officials.  Channel4 reports that an intelligence source inside the army shared the secret information which confirms the presence of hackers in the Chinese army that are will be used at the time […]

US Navy Facing 110,000 Cyber Attacks Every Hour

The internal IT & server system of US Navy is facing 110,000 cyber attacks every hour, 1,833 attacks a minute. According to a report published by HP during an event in Frankfurt, the software and IT security providing company confirms that US Navy is under constant cyber attacks by the hackers from different countries. The official blog post from the US Navy Seals […]

Former US Spy Chief: Get Ready for ‘Cyber 9/11

Mc Connell (the former director of US national security agency) has broke a shocking news for Americans that US could be facing a massive cyber attack in some time which could be equally harmful to 9/11 incident. According to Connell, the attack could down all the significant U.S. sites at once and an economic downturn […]