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Anonymous Shuts Down Montreal Police Site Against Brutality on Student Demo

The infamous online hacker group Anonymous’ Quebec branch has taken the credit for penetrating the Montreal Police department website and the officers’ union. On Friday, at 10:30PM, the Montreal police website went down and minutes later the Montreal police brotherhood also was shut down. The Police department website remained off until Saturday. According to a […]

‘Great Cannon’ of China Blocks Websites Like No One Else Can

China to Use Stronger Weapons to Censor the Web and it is called Great Cannon — It can block websites and interrupt international traffic like no one else. Lately, China has been bombarding American websites with Internet traffic in a bid to take out such services that let China’s web users to view websites that […]

OpIsrael: 700 sites hacked, thousands of Social Media, Paypal credentials leaked

Just few days ago we reported how Anonymous and AnonGhost hacking groups are gearing up to carryout cyber attacks on Israeli servers under the banner of OpIsrael. As promised, hackers (both from Anonymous and AnonGhost hackitivist groups) are carrying out massive cyber attacks on Israeli government and business websites (mostly owned by civilians).  The teams involved in these […]

Hackers Knockdown Indiana ‘Right to Life’ Website for Supporting RFRA

After attacking Indiana government website for passing Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), hackers have now started attacking anyone supporting the RFRA. The official website of an Indiana based Nonprofit organization ‘Right to Life’ was taken down by hackers in a powerful DDoS attack Tuesday morning for supporting the controversial anti-LGBT — Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). The individuals behind this cyber […]

Backtracing a RAT / Find the IP of the Hacker’s RAT

Welcome to my tutorial, today i will be showing you how to get someone’s ip once you have the person’s RAT. In other words, i’m going to show you how easy it is for the feds to get your ip and get you arrested if they wanted to. Requirements: Wireshark [DOWNLOAD] Sandboxie [DOWNLOAD] First open […]

Op_Israel: Anonymous Threatens Israel with ‘Electronic Holocaust’

In a latest video footage from Anonymous, the notorious hacker group, a masked individual appears in a suit and delivers a well-structured statement announcing a possible attack on Israel’s online servers on April 7. The operation will be carried out under the famous banner of OpIsrael. The video features pictures of distraught Palestinian children and the […]

Hackers shutdown police website for third time in one week

The DDoS attack on Finish Police website forced the servers to remain offline for hours. The official website of Finnish Police ( was forced to go offline for several hours on Thursday after a massive DDoS attack. This was the third attack on police website in last few days. The first attack was carried out on […]

GitHub Facing Massive DDoS Attack From China

Update: GitHub is fully functional now. Everything operating normally. — GitHub Status (@githubstatus) March 31, 2015 GitHub is one the most popular websites among programmers and developers and is currently having 3.4 million users with 2.2 million active repositories. This software development web site used for collaborative projects is currently being hit by a massive […]

OpSaudi: Hackers Shutdown Saudi ”Arab National Bank” website

A Saudi based “oppressed defenders” hacking group has taken down the online banking domain of Arab National Bank, early Monday.  The cyber attack on ANB bank is part of the ongoing Operation Saudi in which hacker had vowed to attack Saudi based financial institutions until the end of human rights violations in the kingdom. In an exclusive conversation with […]

OpSaudi: Hackers Shutdown Saudi Bank Website

On Wednesday 17th Feb, 2015, a group of hacktivists calling themselves “The oppressed defenders” conducted a cyber attack on Saudi Arabian based bank AlJazira in shape of a Distributed denial of service attack (DD0S). As a result the online banking and e-service domains of bank AlJazira were forced to go offline for more than thirty minutes.  One of the hacker told HackRead […]

How to get an IP over Xbox live

Download Cain and Abel here:*Note that if you virus scan it, it will appear as a virus (this is because it contains software that is virus-like/related – after all, it is a hacking tool). Don’t worry, its a trusted tool, and virus free. This means you may have to turn off antiviruses on oyur […]

Stack Exchange Network Website Goes Offline, a world renowned network of question and answer website is currently offline for unknown reason. A tweet from Stack Exchange’s twitter handle has also confirmed the outage, currently investigating a routing issue with the network provider. It is unclear what the exact reason for outage is but considering cyber attacks these days, it can be a DDoS […]

Pro-Russian Hackers Take Down German Govt. Websites

A group of pro-Russian hackers is claiming responsibility for recent attacks that brought down German government websites including the page for Chancellor Angela Merkel, the foreign ministry and the lower parliament. The group calls itself CyberBerkut and claims itlaunched those cyber-attacks over Germany�s supporting stance towards the �criminal regime in Kiev�. The timing of the […]

How to join ANONYMOUS

Those of you who have seen the videos , articles , news or such of the hacktivist group ,called Anonymous. If you are interested , you can now join them.   Who is Anonymous? Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities. A website nominally associated with the group describes it […]

How to perform a simple DOS attack

Performing a DOS attack may seem confusing at first , but when you have the right tools and knowledge , it’s quite simple for any user to execute it. In this tutorial i’ll be showing you how to do a Ping flood attack. Firstly what is a DOS/DDOS? A DoS (Denial of Service) is an […]

Sniffing someone’s IP from Steam

Here’s a tutorial on finding someone’s IP on Steam the easy way.     Step 1: Downloading the programs CommView: Download below “The tool used to sniff the IP through the Steam Client” Steam Client: Download below “If you don’t have this you probably shouldn’t even be doing this” Step 2: Installation Pretty […]

Anonymous Shuts Down Top Israeli Govt Sites Against Killing Of 14-Yr-Old Kid

The online hacktivist Anonymous is back with yet another cyber attack. This time the group has taken down 43 top Israeli government websites against shooting and killing of a 14-year-old U.S. citizen Orwah Hammad by Israeli Defence Forces. Anonymous conducted the cyber attack under the banner of #OpOrwahHammad in which websites belonging to Israeli government such as […]

Anonymous to attack Pakistani Government against police brutality

The online hacktivist Anonymous has announced to conduct a massive cyber attack on Pakistani government servers against yesterday’s police brutality on unarmed protesters demanding Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef’s resignation in Islamabad, Pakistan. In an exclusive conversation with one of the representatives of Anonymous movement, we were told that Anonymous will not let Mr. Shareef and […]