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Google: Ditch Windows 7 And Install Windows 10 To Escape Chrome Zero-Day Bug

Clement Legine from Google’s Threat Analysis Group published a blog post today mentioning the details of the Chrome zero-day bug that affected Chrome browser and put users at a major security risk. Last week, Google released a patch to address Chrome vulnerability (CVE-2019-5786) and the search giant advised users to update their browser immediately to evade any security […]

Google Is Planning To Add Digital Driver License In Your Smartphone

Google wants you to stop storing your identification documents like drivers’ license in your wallet. Instead, it is working on a mechanism that will allow you to store digital IDs on your Android smartphone. XDA Developers have reported that Google is working on an API named “IdentityCredentialAPI” which will act as a digital wallet for […]

Google Launches Bolo In India: Speech-based App To Help Children Read

A report by ASER 2018 report hints that only half of the Class 5 students can read a Class 2 textbook with ease. Therefore, with an aim to improve the overall reading literacy in India, Google has launched a new Android app, dubbed Bolo for children in the country. Based on Google’s speech recognition and text-to-speech […]

Google Launches Linux-Powered Coral Dev Board For Machine Learning

Last summer, at Google Next conference, Google announced two new hardware products built around its Edge TPU chip to accelerate machine learning workloads on embedded AI devices and existing systems. Now, without much fanfare, the company has released these products officially — a new Coral development board and a USB accelerator. Both products will also make […]

Google Is Still Working On The Dragonfly Project; Employees Claim

Last year, Google dropped plans to launch its censored search engine, codenamed Dragonfly, in China. But it seems like Google’s employees aren’t convinced and they investigated to find out otherwise. According to a report by The Intercept, some of the Google employees kept a close eye on various codes stored in computers and found out […]

Google Found It Underpaid More Men Than Women For The Same Job

We all have heard of wage gap stories where women get paid less than men but things are different with Google. The search giant found in an internal pay audit that males in Level 4 Software Engineer profile received less money than females in the same role. This finding has led to Google paying $9.7 million […]

Android TV Bug Exposes Private Google Photos Of Users

One of the perks of having an Android TV is that users can display their Google Photos albums as a screensaver when the TV is idle. However, a Twitter user found himself in a predicament when his Android TV started showing private photo libraries of many other users. As first spotted by XDA developers, the Google […]

Google Refuses To Remove Saudi Arabia App Which Tracks Women

A few weeks ago, the existence of an app called ‘Absher,’ used by Saudi Arab men to control and track the movements of women in the country, came into light. Following which, Apple and Google were criticized and accused of helping gender apartheid by hosting such an app on App Store and Play Store respectively. Finally, Google […]

Hackers steal users’ information by exploiting a Chrome zero-day vulnerability

These malicious files allow victims’ data collection Network security and ethical hacking specialists from the International Institute of Cyber Security report the discovery of a malicious campaign that uses PDF documents to exploit a zero-day vulnerability in the built-in tool to view these files in Google Chrome to extract information from users. A cybersecurity firm […]

Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities can’t be corrected with software implementations

Google experts consider these vulnerabilities to be inherent in modern processors design According to network security and ethical hacking specialists from the International Institute of Cyber Security, the vulnerabilities Spectre and Meltdown were reported for the first time about a year ago; since then, countless teams of independent specialists and researchers have tried multiple methods […]

How Does Worlds Highly Secured Google Network Works ? Google’s Effort & Dedication

Google always Maintain the Extremely strong Cyber Security Culture for Data Security, Network Security, Cloud Security and Physical security. Google’s this extreme level security protection beginning from hiring the employee until the biggest security breach investigations. Employee background checks, Security training Privacy events Before they join google staff, Google will confirm an individual’s training and […]

Google Assistant To Get Dedicated Button, Integration With Google Apps & More

At the current MWC 2019 tradeshow, Google has announced a couple of new features for its Assistant to enhance its working. Starting with the first new feature, Google Assistant will now have a dedicated button on smartphones which includes the LG G8 ThinQ, the Nokia 4.2, the Nokia 3.2, and more future smartphones, for easy […]

Google Says Spectre Flaws Cannot Be Defeated By Software Alone

Spectre and Meltdown attacks were initially discovered in early 2018. Following which, many security researchers have tried and tested different methods to put an end to the security flaws. However, researchers at Google have concluded that Spectre-type vulnerabilities are most likely to sustain as a feature in processors. Therefore, software-based techniques alone are inadequate to […]

Android Gmail App Gets New Design Treatment, And It Looks Good

The Gmail app for Android has started getting the new refreshed interface that Google has also added to many of its other apps and services. For example, Gmail for Desktop, Google Photos, and Android Messages to name a few. It has a similar all-white background in the inbox and also in the sidebar when you […]

Google Could Reveal Its Mystery ‘Online Gaming’ Project In March

Google has scheduled an event next month at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco. This is reportedly where it could unveil its gaming project that has been under development for quite some time. The company has sent out invites for the March 19th event that will commence from 10 AM PST. The invite […]

Most & least radiation emitting smartphones in 2019

Smartphones are a utility in our lives more than any other thing. The addiction has increased to a level that most of us keep our smartphones by our side whether we are at the office, home or even while we are on the bed. According to the research by Cellular Telecommunication and Internet Association, there […]

18000+ Android Apps Caught Violating Google’s Advertising ID Policies

In a recent report published by Bleeping Computer, it has been revealed that devices of millions of Android users around the world might have been compromised owing to the popular apps sharing persistent data along with ad IDs. According to AppCensus, well over 18000 applications on Google’s Play Store were found to be in violation of […]

Hacked versions of popular iOS games available on App Store

Software pirates are distributing hacked and infected versions of iPhone apps by hijacking Apple’s enterprise developer program. Reportedly, the hacked apps include versions of Minecraft, Spotify, Angry Birds, and Pokemon Go. These apps have been modified for making paid content/features available for free to deprive the original developers and Apple of their due revenue share […]

Google Maps Will Bring A Feature To Automatically Delete Location History

Back at CES 2019, Google introduced a couple of features for its Maps app, and it appears we are most likely to see new ones pretty soon, as part of its upcoming update, in version 10.10. According to APK files acquired by 9To5Google, Google Maps is likely to start deleting the location automatically for users. […]