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South Korean nuclear operator hacked, personal data, blueprints leaked

Unknown hackers have hacked the computer systems of South Korea’s nuclear plant operator and leaked noncritical data claim the officials. The targeted institution was Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP), where latest designs and manuals of two reactors, personal details of over 10,000 workers, flow charts and estimates of radiation exposure among local residents were leaked. At the moment […]

Warning: Beware of Malware Planted In Chinese E-Cigarettes.

Electronic cigarette manufacturers may have highlighted its numerous benefits to letting you lead a healthy, stress-free life, what they certainly did not highlight was that the device can be used for malware distribution as well. Electronic cigarettes, popularly known as e-cigarettes, produce vapors simulating smoke of a real cigarette and to do this the device […]

WireLurker: Apple Malware Infecting Mac and iPhone via USB

Apple is usually known for its top notch security but a US-based cyber security software developer Palo Alto Networks discovered a new malware targeting Apple products such as iPhone, iPad (iOS) and MAC (OS X). The name of this malware is WireLurker. It installs malicious third-party apps on iPads and iPhones targeting users in China, […]

Russian Hackers Allegedly Hacked White House Computers

Unclassified White House computers are latest in the list of security breaches this year and the prime suspects for the breach are Russian hackers, who on government’s direction are working to carry out attacks on world’s most sensitive systems belonging to NATO, the Ukrainian government and U.S. defense contractors, according to reports. Although, the attack didn’t led […]

Hackers Sending Fake Ebola Virus reports in emails with Malware and Phishing Links

A new malicious campaign has been identified by security researchers spreading fake news about the Ebola virus, in order to redirect users to phishing websites and delivering Malware. Symantec has reported three Malware operations and a phishing campaign using the Ebola virus as a social engineering theme. 1. The first phishing campaign shows that cybercriminals are […]

BadUSB exploit hacks your computer

A common shortcoming that most of the USB devices possess is one which can be noiselessly made use of to introduce infection into computers. This is done in a fashion which prevents detection and this has been concluded by security researchers themselves. Most of the USB thumb drives have a major dilemma like several other […]

Dangerous Malware steals credit card information from Android devices

Security experts at Dr. Web have warned Android users to be careful with a new Trojan that is stealing credit card details while making a transaction on Google Play store. It is currently targeting Russian users but a little bit of modification can let the criminals target people around the world. The Trojan comes in the […]

Hackers Target Monster Jobs Website with Gameover Zeus malware

A security firm has revealed that hackers are targeting companies utilizing services of Monster Jobs, a well-known job portal, through a new variant of the Gameover computer Malware.  Gameover, the malware infecting the employment portal, is similar to the infamous Zeus banking malware whose source code was leaked in 2011. The Trojan steals log-in credentials […]

SMS Fake Installer tricking Android Users

Nathan Collier of Webroot ThreatVlog, talks about an old, but still active, SMS Fake Installer, a Russian based program used to trick phone users to send premium text messages, costing money to the user. Nathan talks about how these threats work, how this threat is different, and the easiest way to stay protected on your […]

Zeus Trojan returns: Targets Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn

During recent times, social media has by some distance defeated ordinary ways of trading. This has indeed directed many people towards social media to get their business moving. This up thrust has increased competition at the rate of knots and many people are now looking for shortcuts to get their products or services marketed on […]

Highly Sophisticated Backdoor.AndroidOS Trojan Nearly Impossible to Remove

The “sophisticated” malware for Android has been “unleashed”. Identified by the company specializes in cyber security Kaspersky, the Trojan “Backdoor.AndroidOS.Obad.a” is a threat virtually impossible to be eliminated. The virus is very dangerous both for those who are infected and for the contacts of that affected person. The malware installs itself not only on the device itself but can send malicious files to […]

Phishing Attack that Replaces Android Banking Apps With Malware

Mobile phones are now also being utilized for the purpose of managing some important personal assets such as money. According to a recent report that has been published by the Federal Reserve of US, around 48 percent of the smartphone users in the last 12 months have used the mobile banking platform for carrying out […]

Wall Street Journal: We were also hacked by Chinese hackers

Wall Street Journal has announced that just like New York Times, their computers were also hacked by hackers from China making it a second major cyber attack on major US news outlet. The WSJ reported that the like NYT, hackers spied on their coverage specifically related to China for last four months. The Chinese response over hacking allegation remains the same, […]

Bill Shocker Malware controls 620,000 phones, Zombifies to sends expensive messages

NQ Mobile,a mobile security company that provides solution for protecting mobile device from malware, spyware, theft, and loss has found a new malware the “Bill Shocker” that has already infected over 620,000 users in only China and now posing a serious threat to all unprotected Android devices globally.  Net-Security reports that the Bill Shocker is a (SDK) developed by […]

Fake Wikipedia Researcher Hacked Bumi Chairman’s Computer

A coal firm in Indonesia named as Bumi has faced heavy crisis in the recent past, but, firm’s physical performance wasn’t the reason behind the crisis. It was through hacking, it all happened, the crisis that the firm is facing now is of such intensity that firm is now beginning to get offers to sell its current […]

Google Blocks Twitpic for Malware Risk

Google has blocked around million of Twitter accounts today when the search engine found malicious malware on Twitter’s picture sharing service. The Twitpic, was mentioned as a ”malicious threat” to computers. The search engine giant blocked the visitors from accessing the Twitpic and any image hosted by the picture sharing service from its search results […]