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New Zeppelin Ransomware Targeting Tech and Health Companies

A new variant of Vega ransomware family, dubbed Zeppelin, has recently been spotted in the wild targeting technology and healthcare companies across Europe, the United States, and Canada. However, if you reside in Russia or some other ex-USSR countries like Ukraine, Belorussia, and Kazakhstan, breathe a sigh of relief, as the ransomware terminates its operations […]

This Malware Reboots Windows PCs In Safe Mode To Bypass Antivirus

A research team from SophosLabs and Sophos managed Threat Response(SMTR) has come across a new ransomware dubbed Snatch that reboots Windows PCs into safe mode before initiating encryption. According to researchers, this is a never-before-seen behavior and the possible reason why Snatch reboots PCs mid-attack is to evade antivirus apps installed in infected computers. The […]

RIPlace – A new Evasion Technique Let Ransomware to Encrypt Files Undetected

RIPlace a new evasion technique that allows threat actors to encrypt files on Windows-based computers without being detected by anti-ransomware products. Nyotron’s Security researchers discovered a new technique that leverages Microsoft Windows file system rename operations to stay undetected from security products, RIPlace Evasion Technique Attackers can use this RIPlace method to alter any files […]

How to decrypt your data from Hakbit & Jigsaw ransomware for free

The cyber security firm Emisoft has released decrypter for Hakbit and Jigsaw ransomware that would unlock your files for free. One day you turn on your PC but instead of being greeted with the standard account login window, you are encountered with an unpleasant message stating: “Your files have been encrypted, follow the instructions below […]

Cyborg ransomware posing as Windows update hits PCs

If you’ve updated your Windows today like me, this article may just end up scaring you a bit. In the latest, it has been discovered that a malicious campaign has been installing ransomware under the pretext of updating your operating system. Named as Cyborg ransomware; the attackers try to lure users by sending emails prompting […]

“Fake” Windows 10 Update Installs “Cyborg” Ransomware

The latest Windows 10 November 2019 Update has begun rolling out for users. But some evil minds didn’t spend much time in taking advantage of the situation and deliver infected and fake Windows Update to the users. A new ransomware campaign has been discovered by the security researchers at SpiderLabs (via TechRadar). The fake Windows […]

Louisiana State Government Hit by Ransomware Attack Forcing Server Shutdowns

Targeted ransomware attacks on banking and finance, government, healthcare, and critical infrastructure are on the rise, with the latest victim being the state government of Louisiana. The state government of Louisiana was hit by a large-scale coordinated ransomware attack yesterday, which forced the state to take several state agency servers offline, including government websites, email […]

NextCry Ransomware Encrypts Files On NextCloud Linux Servers

NextCry ransomware is a new malware that has been spotted in the wild targeting files of clients who use Nextcloud file sync and share service. The ransomware gets its name from the extension it uses to append the file names of encrypted files. There is no free decryption tool available for NextCry victims at the […]

Get Ransomware Protection For The Holidays: Reason Cybersecurity at 70% Off

Ransomware attacks are still something to be wary of these days. 2019 saw a resurgence in ransomware attacks and they’re expected to grow even more rampant in the coming weeks as we hit the holiday season. The Thanksgiving weekend ushers in major sales events including Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Retailers, both brick-and-mortar and digital, […]

Will PEMEX pay the $5M USD to hackers for the ransomware attack?

A couple of days ago web application security specialists reported a ransomware attack on Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), a state-controlled Mexican oil company. Although the company did not explicitly recognize the ransomware infection, it is mentioned that the hackers responsible for the attack would have demanded about $5 million USD in Bitcoin to restore their systems. […]

Ransomware as-a-service available 24X7; new Black Friday deal

Digital forensics specialists report the emergence of Buran, a new scheme for any user to acquire everything necessary to deploy a ransomware attack (a practice known as ransomware-as-a-service). According to the reports, this ransomware is able to exploit known vulnerabilities on devices with Windows operating system, and it is even possible to find it for […]

BitPaymer Ransomware Attack Several Spanish MSSP Based Companies Via Hacked Websites

A new wave of BitPaymer Ransomware attack several MSSP based companies in Spain through compromised websites, and it’s using various other malware interaction before infecting the company network. Before the original BitPaymer ransomware attack takes place, threat actors initially infect the victims with a different type of malware such as Azorult, Chthonic, Dridex. Last 2 years, ransomware attacks […]

RaaS – Hackers Selling Buran Ransomware in Russian Forum That Encrypt All Version of Windows OS & Windows Server

Researchers uncovered a new ransomware family named “Buran” ransomware that works as a Ransomware-as-a-Service(RaaS) model and actively selling in a well-known Russian forum. Ransomware authors advertising in well known Russian underground forums and the Buran Ransomware compatible with all versions of the Windows OS and Windows server. Unlike other RaaS based ransomware such as GandCrab that earned […]

A major cloud services company suffers massive ransomware infection

The week is just beginning and new security incidents affecting major technology companies have already being reported. According to web application security specialists, SmarterASP.NET, an ASP.NET hosting service provider, was the victim of a serious ransomware attack that could affect its more than 400k customers. This is the third time this year that a major […]

Ransomware attack cripples SmarterASP.NET hosting’s network

Recently, there has been a surge in ransomware attacks as we know it, and web hosting service providers are the new eye candy of cybercriminals. Now, the leading web hosting service provider for called SmarterASP.NET, is the latest victim of a major ransomware attack. The company has already released a statement confirming the news […]

Mass Malware Attack – Ransomware, Screenlockers, RATs, Attack & Gain Backdoor Access in Organization Networks

Researchers discovered a mass malware distribution campaign that utilizing the well-known political figures in the U.S. including President Donald Trump, former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with a series of ransomware, screen lockers, RATs and other malicious applications. A variety of malicious applications uncovered with this campaign, and it was developed to infect the victims with […]

Hospitals Impacted By Data Breach Have Increased Death Rate: Study

A study conducted by the researchers at Vanderbilt University‘s Owen Graduate School of Management analyzed the list of healthcare data breaches by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In the study, it was concluded that hospitals and medical institutions that were impacted by a ransomware attack or data breach witness 36 additional deaths […]

3 common yet creative hack attacks & how to protect yourself

Data breaches and hacks are now a common part of our day-to-day lives and unless you’re a cybersecurity professional or your personal data is at risk, you don’t really care if a new vulnerability has been exposed. As the Federal Trade Commission notes, over five hundred million users of the Marriott hotel chain had their […]