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IBM Sued by Its Own Shareholder for Cooperating with the NSA

It seems as if those business which bowed down in front of NSA are now facing a backlash. That’s what we can see from several tech giants and business institutions  who cooperated with the American National Security Agency (NSA) for its spying and surveillance project PRISM. These companies are now loosing billions of dollars and most […]

NSA’s talking points for friends and family — rebutted

A leaked two-page pamphlet for NSA employees reveals the organization instructed each employee on some key “talking points” to bring up in conversations with friends and family over thanksgiving to rebut many common opinions following Snowden’s leaks. A PDF copy containing a 2 page memo has been obtained by Firedoglake, and the memo contains talking […]

NSA: Toilet Cameras are for Research Purposes Only.

We are well familiar with the NSA‘s spying over its own citizens and all over the globe but can the government go to a limit where you can’t even ‘poo’ with freedom eh? Recently, I have found three images circulating over the internet talking about government of the United States spying on its citizens in the public toilets. […]

BitTorrent Bashes NSA In Stunning Billboard Campaign

If you live in New York or San Francisco, you will know the importance of its billboards and strange messages mentioned on them. Last week, the popular internet protocol BitTorrent used the billboards to bash the United State’s National Security Agency (NSA) for spying over people all over the globe.  The important point is that […]