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Abused Code-signing

Hackers Signed Malware With Stolen Code Signing Certificate From Tech- Companies

A code signing certificate allows an application developer to sign their software before publishing to the web and the end-users can verify the author’s identity and ensure the software has not been altered. Security researchers from ESET spotted a new malware campaign that uses stolen code Signing certificate from D-Link Corporation to make it appear […]

Hackers Illegally Purchasing Abused Code-signing & SSL Certificates From Underground Market

Threat actors using Abused Code-signing certificate from reputable companies as a layer of obfuscation in distributing malicious payloads. Abused Codesigning certificates would provide integrity for an application and there are different classes of Codesigning certificates standard and Extended Validation. Cybercriminals obtaining the certificate as like a specific buyer by submitting the stolen corporate identities of […]