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acunetix web vulnerability scanner

Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner Version For Linux

Acunetix, the pioneer in automated web application security software, has announced the release of Acunetix for Linux. Known to be reliable, cost-effective and secure, Linux is the server operating system of choice for many large organizations including Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Acunetix is one of the first commercial, automated web vulnerability scanners to be released […]

Major Update of Acunetix Online Vulnerability Scanner

Acunetix Online has undergone a mammoth update, now enjoying all the features and benefits found in Acunetix On Premise, including: Integrated vulnerability management, greater manageability of threats and targets and the integration of popular WAFs and Issue Tracking systems. Acunetix Online also features a brand new UI for greater ease-of-use and manageability. New web-based user […]