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AI vs Human

AI To Replace Two Top-Level Government Jobs In Indonesia

People have had conflicting arguments over the future of AI and its impact on employment. On one side, there are those like Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who believe AI will bring more jobs and “dignity.” On the other side, we have Google’s co-founder, the Terminator movie series, and many others who firmly believe that AI […]

Workers With Bachelor’s Degree Tend To Lose Jobs To AI 5 Times Over

A new report by Brookings Institution has debunked the notion that blue-collar jobs like fast food preparation, machine operation will be most affected due to AI. The report concludes that highly-educated and high paying jobs will face the worst brunt of artificial intelligence as opposed to the previously established notion. The study is conducted by […]

OpenAI Five Defeats Human Dota 2 Professionals Once Again

Elon Musk’s AI research organization, Open AI, which trains its artificial intelligence system to play Dota 2, has defeated a world champion e-sports team. The competition, dubbed the OpenAI Five Finals, was held in San Francisco. The human competitors included five top Dota 2 pros from team OG, which won the coveted e-sports prize last year by winning […]

IBM’s AI Computer Loses To Human In A Debate

People are usually good at arguing, and the ability to comprehend and put forward arguments is one of our greatest capabilities. But what about AI computers that try to emulate humans? This is precisely what IBM wanted to find out by pitting its AI system dubbed the Project Debater with world-class debater Harish Natarajan. The topic for […]