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Hackers steal data from Air-Gapped PCs with microphones & speakers

A research team from Israel’s Ben-Gurion University of the Negev ‘s cyber security research center has discovered a new way of data extraction from air-gapped computers via using passive devices like earphones, headphones, and speakers. Now, the same research center has claimed to be able to use computer speakers and headphones to act as microphones […]

Four methods hackers use to steal data from air-gapped computers

Air-gapped computers are seen as high-value targets, so considerable research has gone into taking data from them — without a network connection. Here’s what you need to know. Researchers have devised numerous ways to extract data from computer systems by developing covert channels. These channels fall into four general groups: Electromagnetic (the earliest attack vector) Acoustic (beyond […]

Attackers Can Use HVAC Systems to Control Malware on Air-Gapped Networks

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can be used as a means to bridge air-gapped networks with the outside world, allowing remote attackers to send commands to malware placed inside a target’s isolated network. This type of attack scenario — codenamed HVACKer by its creators — relies on custom-built malware that is capable of […]

Vault 7: CIA Has Malware for Hacking Air-Gapped Networks via USB Thumb Drives

WikiLeaks dumped today the manuals of several hacking utilities part of Brutal Kangaroo, a CIA malware toolkit for hacking into air-gapped (offline) networks using tainted USB thumb drive. According to WikiLeaks, Brutal Kangaroo is the generic name of a project that includes the following tools: ✶ Drifting Deadline – the main Brutal Kangaroo tool, consisting […]

Ops, hackers can exfiltrate data from air-gapped networks through a malware controlled via a scanner

A group of Israeli researchers has devised a new technique to exfiltrate data from a PC in an air-gapped network through malware controlled via scanners. The team was composed of Ben Nassi, a graduate student at the Cyber Security Research Center at Ben-Gurion University, and his advisor Yuval Elovici, based on an idea of the prominent cryptographer Adi Shamir. […]

Meet USBee, the malware that uses USB drives to covertly jump airgaps

Technique works on virtually all USB drives with no modifications necessary. In 2013, a document leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden illustrated how a specially modified USB device allowed spies to surreptitiously siphon data out of targeted computers, even when they were physically severed from the Internet or other networks. Now, researchers have […]

Hacking connected lightbulbs to breach Air-Gapped networks

Two of security researchers have shown how hackers can target connected lightbulbs to exfiltrate sensitive data from Air-Gapped networks. Two of security researchers from the Weizmann Institute have shown how hackers can target connected lightbulbs to steal sensitive data from Air-Gapped networks. The two researchers are Adi Shamir, the popular co-inventor of the RSA algorithm, and PHD student […]